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16/10/2008 16:44




About the word “SIN”.

The Greek word hamartia (μαρτία) is usually translated as sin in the New Testament. In Classical Greek, it means “to miss the mark” or “to miss the target” which was also used in Old English archery


About the word “Cedar” referred to in the Christian Bible.

The Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh designates the cedar groves of Lebanon as the dwelling of the gods to where Gilgamesh ventured.


In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh is said to have ordered the building of the legendary walls of Uruk. An alternative version has Gilgamesh, towards the end of the story, boasting to Urshanabi, the ferryman, that the city’s walls were built by the Seven Sages. In historical times, Sargon of Akkad claimed to have destroyed these walls to prove his military power.

Fragments of an epic text found in Me-Turan (modern Tell Haddad) relate that Gilgamesh was buried under the waters of a river at the end of his life. The people of Uruk diverted the flow of the Euphrates River crossing Uruk for the purpose of burying the dead king within the riverbed. In April 2003, a German expedition discovered what is thought to be the entire city of Uruk—including the former bed of the Euphrates, the last resting place of its King Gilgamesh.

Despite the lack of direct evidence, most scholars do not object to consideration of Gilgamesh as a historical figure, particularly after inscriptions were found confirming the historical existence of other figures associated with him: kings Enmebaragesi and Aga of Kish. If Gilgamesh was a historical king, he probably reigned in about the 26th century BC. Some of the earliest Sumerian texts spell his name as Bilgames. Initial difficulties in reading cuneiform resulted in Gilgamesh making his re-entrance into world culture in 1891 as “Izdubar”.[2]

In most texts, Gilgamesh is written with the determinative for divine beings (DINGIR) – but there is no evidence for a contemporary cult, and the Sumerian Gilgamesh myths suggest the deification was a later development (unlike the case of the Akkadian god kings). With this deification, however, would have come an accretion of stories about him, some potentially derived from the real lives of other historical figures, in particular Gudea, the Second Dynasty ruler of Lagash (2144–2124 BC).[3]

Whether based on a historical prototype or not, Gilgamesh became a legendary protagonist in the Epic of Gilgamesh. The name Gilgamesh appears once in Greek, as “Gilgamos” (Γιλγαμος). The story is a variant of the Perseus myth: The King of Babylon determines by oracle that his grandson Gilgamos will kill him, and throws him out of a high tower. An eagle breaks his fall, and the infant is found and raised by a garde

Gilgamesh was the son of Lugalbanda and the fifth king of Uruk (Early Dynastic II, first dynasty of Uruk), ruling circa 2600 BC, according to the Sumerian king list. He became the central character in the Epic of Gilgamesh, one of the best known works of early literature, which says that his mother was Ninsun (whom some call Rimat Ninsun), a goddess. Gilgamesh is described as two-thirds god and one-third human.

According to the Tummal Inscription,[1] Gilgamesh, and eventually his son Urlugal, rebuilt the sanctuary of the goddess Ninlil, located in Tummal, a sacred quarter in her city Nippur. In Mesopotamian mythology, Gilgamesh is credited with having been a demigod of superhuman strength who built a great city wall to defend his people from external threats.


About Mesopotamia



Euphrates · Tigris


The Sumerians practiced a polytheistic religion, with anthropomorphic gods or goddesses representing forces or presences in the world, in much the same way as later Greek mythology

This shows that the word “sin” is linked to something that is missing the point, but also linked to the mythologies of Mesopotamia, the Sumerians.  And it is the Greek gods, who’s gods has got more or less the same “form” the gods of the Sumerian mythologies had, that I discussed in Father Sky etc.

So maybe, we have not sinned as in did something “wrong”, maybe we have just all these aeons been missing the point and been lead to understand it now, by the way science has developed.  As if you look at the 2 Thirds god and 1 Third human, named Bilmesh (Gilgamesh), he reigned about 26 000BC.  And 26 the number linked to Einstein and Global Warming.  And he was buried under a river or in a river(bed).  Where a river(bed) is linked to the flow of time.


The Tigris and Euphrates rivers, the landmarks surrounding Mesopotamia


Pahlavi tigr means “arrow”, in the same family as Old Persian tigra- “pointed” (compare tigra-xauda), Modern Persian têz “sharp”.



Modern names for the Euphrates may have been derived by popular etymology from the Sumerian and Akkadian names, respectively Buranun and Pu-rat-tu. The former appears in an inscription from the 22nd century BC[citation needed] associated with King Gudea.

Etymologically, the name “Euphrates” is the Greek form of the original name, Phrat, which means “fertilizing” or “fruitful”.[1]

Alternatively, the second half of the word Euphrates may also derive from either the Persian Ferat or the Greek φέρω (pronounced [fero]), both of which mean “to carry” or “to bring forward”.


So what I have shown now is that from the two rivers as to where Mesopotamia lies, and taken into account that Mesopotamia is in Mythology linked to the Greek Mythologies, which I have already discussed in for instance the part about “Father Sky”, I have shown that the Greek meaning for the word “sin” is (as in the Beginning of this writing), “to miss the point”.  And I believe in this case:  The Point of Balance or [0;0].

But the borders of Mesopotamia are two rivers (and as I said, the riverbed is the symbol of the flow of time, as well as this godlike King that was buried according to Myths in a river(bed)) have got in Tigris, the meaning “arrow” or “sharp”.  And if you shoot an arrow – in order to hit the target, you must hit The Point (or then, The Point of Balance in this case of “sin”, The Point [0;0]).  So you must be “sharp” to do that.

But from the other border, we have the meaning (in the flow of time), “to carry” or “to bring forward”.  So “bringing forward” regarding for the “arrow” (in the flow of time), the two riverbeds bordering the Old Mesopotamia to reach The Point, it takes a sharp skill to let that arrow hit The Point of Balance, namely The Point [0;0] in order to bring forward The Truth about “SIN”.

And most of the information was obtained from Wikipedia, I just took what I needed and put together some of this information to get to the final conclusion.









02/11/2008 14:31

In the Ennead mythology, Nut (alternatively spelled Nuit, Newet, and Neuth), was the goddess of the sky[2]. Her name means Night. Some of the titles of Nut were Coverer of the Sky, She Who Protects, Mistress of All, and She Who Holds a Thousand Souls. Originally she was the goddess of the daytime sky, but in later times she was known simply as the sky goddess. Nut was said to be covered in stars touching the cardinal points of her body. Her headdress was the hieroglyphic of part of her name, a pot, which may also symbolize the uterus. The ancient Egyptians said that every woman was a nutrit, a little goddess.

Nut was the goddess of the sky and all heavenly bodies, a symbol of resurrection and rebirth. According to the Egyptians, the heavenly bodies—such as the sun—would be swallowed, traverse the inside of her belly through the night, and be reborn out of her uterus at dawn. A sacred symbol of Nut was the ladder, used by Osiris to enter her heavenly skies. This ladder-symbol was called maqet and was placed in tombs to protect the deceased, and to invoke the aid of the deity of the dead. She was the sky goddess, in contrast to most other mythologies, which usually evolve into a sky father associated with an earth mother.


The Book of the Dead says, “Hail, thou Sycamore Tree of the Goddess Nut! Give me of the water and of the air which is in thee. I embrace that throne which is in Unu, and I keep guard over the Egg of Nekek-ur. It flourisheth, and I flourish; it liveth, and I live; it snuffeth the air, and I snuff the air, I the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, in peace.”[3]

In a later myth Nut becomes a daughter of Shu, god of the air, and Tefnut, goddess of moistness. She was paired with Geb, the earth, with whom she had five children: Osiris, Isis, Set, Nephthys, and Horus the Elder[4]. In another myth, she originally lay eternally, having sexual intercourse with Geb, but Shu (the air) later separated them, and it was said


[First reference to chaos that would reign]/Isis/Hathor/Nut [all one]

 that if she ever returned to that position, chaos would reign (because the world was that space that existed between the two).


Sometimes Nut was considered to be the daughter and wife of Ra, at other times she was identified as his mother, who gave birth to him each morning (the pink dawn sky being the blood of this birth).

Egyptian mythology, Hathor (Pronounced Hwt-Hor) (Egyptian for house of Horus) was originally a personification of the Milky Way, which was seen as the milk that flowed from the udders of a heavenly cow. Hathor was an ancient goddess, and was worshipped as a cow-deity from at least 2700 BC during the second dynasty. Her worship by the Egyptians goes back earlier however, possibly, even by the Scorpion King who ruled during the Protodynastic Period before the dynasties began. His name, Serqet, may refer to the goddess Serket. The two figures flanking the top of both sides of the Narmer Palette are interpreted as images of the cow goddess. The palette is among the earliest carved religious images known from the Egyptian culture.

Later she was described as the wife of Ra, the creator whose own cosmic birth was formalised in the Ogdoad cosmogeny after his worship arose and displaced that of Horus. At that time images of Ra bear the eye motif.

The goddess Isis was the first daughter of Geb, god of the Earth, and Nut, the goddess of the Overarching Sky, and was born on the fourth intercalary day. At some time Isis absorbed some characteristics of Hathor a powerful deity who was the mother of Horus. He represented the pharaohs, and as a deity provided them with protection. In later myths about Isis, she had a brother, Osiris, who became her husband, and she then was said to have conceived Horus. Isis was instrumental in the resurrection of Osiris when he was murdered by Seth. Her magical skills restored his body to life after she gathered the parts of it that had been strewn about the earth by Seth

Atum (alternatively spelled Tem, Temu, Tum, and Atem) is an important deity in Egyptian mythology, whose cult centred on the city of Heliopolis.


[Second reference to chaos, but at the end of the Creative cycle]Osiris/Ra [very closely linked as Osiris replaced Ra, but Ra was the replacement of the Sun of Osiris as well]

His name is thought to be derived from the word ‘tem’ which means to complete or finish. Thus he has been interpreted as being the ‘complete one’ and also the finisher of the world, which he returns to watery chaos at the end of the creative cycle.


As creator he was seen as the underlying substance of the world, the deities and all things being made of his flesh or alternatively being his kas.

Atum is one of the most important and frequently mentioned deities from earliest times, as evidenced by his prominence in the Pyramid Texts, where he is portrayed as both a creator and father to the king. He is usually depicted as a man wearing either the royal head-cloth or the dual white and red crown of Upper Egypt, and Lower Egypt, reinforcing his connection with kingship. Sometimes he also is shown as a serpent, the form which he returns to at the end of the creative cycle and also occasionally as a mongoose, lion, bull, lizard, or ape.

In the Heliopolitan Ennead cosmogony established in the sixth dynasty, he was considered to be the first god, having created himself, sitting on a mound (benben) (or identified with the mound itself), from the primordial waters (Nu).


Early myths state that Atum created the god Shu and goddess Tefnut from spitting


or from his semen by masturbation in the city of Annu (the Egyptian name for Heliopolis)[1], a belief strongly associated with Atum’s nature as an hermaphrodite (hence his name meaning completeness). Strictly, the myth states that Atum ejaculated his semen into his mouth, impregnating himself, possibly indicating autofellatio, which has led many to misinterpret (Via euphemism or Bowdlerization) the myth as indicating creation from mucus.

When the Ennead and Ogdoad cosmogenies became merged, with the identification of Ra as Atum (Atum-Ra), gradually Anubis (Ogdoad system) was replaced by Osiris, whose cult had become more significant. Anubis was said to have given way to Osiris out of respect, and, as an underworld deity.


Personal Note

02/11/2008 13:08

I was just wondering (because of the Bible study group I attended on Tuesday 28/10/2008), who gave Paulus for instance his knowledge that he wrote down?

As according to The Great Wave of Faith Like Potatoes Christians (or is it now Faith Like Mushrooms), we can only “know God” from “God’s Word”?  But “God’s Word” is only seen as The Christian Bible by the Potatoes/Mushrooms.

But it seems to me, that none of the people who wrote “God’s Word” or added to it in writing, ever used “God’s Word” for their knowledge to write “God’s Word”?  How do you understand that the only way to understand God is by way of “God’s Word”, but those who wrote “God’s Word” (which is the only way to know God) never used “God’s Word” for that matter as it was impossible.  So where did they get their knowledge of God?  So does that still mean that “The Christian Bible” is the only way to know God?  I cannot see those who wrote it, using it – it does not make sense!

Nothing in this life can as be fulfilling as The Nothingness!  Nothing!!!

02/11/2008 13:11

And this the End of “The Resurrection of Osiris”, why I had to add my little input at the end, I do not know.

But if you look at what is said of Isis/Hathor, who should not be in a certain position as then:

that if she ever returned to that position, chaos would reign (because the world was that space that existed between the two)

and at the end it is said that at the end of “the creative cycle”, or then as quantum physics allow for being a creator in this chaotic world,

which he returns to watery chaos at the end of the creative cycle.

Would be done by Ra, the husband of Hathor, but she is also Isis and Isis was the wife of Osiris.  So which ever way, when creativity ends, which is linked to the position Hathor is not suppose to take in, then there is going to be chaos.  But if she goes into that position on the other hand, there will be chaos also.  So who knows what is the best for ALL?


Maybe my statement at the end of my personal note.  As I have first hand experience of that and I explained how to get there.  At least that is something to look forward to that is not of chaos of indication.

02/11/2008 16:24 or 4:24PM and 24 or 42 gives the 11 22 or 22 11 or 1221.



Descend of Ishtar


The Grasshopper symbolize:  “one small step for man, one giant step for mankind”!


19/10/2008 Timeless



Babylonian account on how Ishtar, the Great Goddess of Love and War, descended through the seven gates of the Underworld to find her beloved,Tammuz. Enjoy a tale of resurrection and love beyond death!   From Ancient Near Eastern Texts, translated by E.A. Speiser


Winged Ishtar standing on a Lion


Come on, Inana , go on that journey which is yours alone — descend to the underworld.


To the Land of No Return, the realm of Ereshkigal,

Ishtar, the daughter of the Moon, set her mind.
To the dark house, the abode of Irkalla,
To the house which none leave who have entered it,
To the road from which there is no way back,
To the house wherein the entrants are bereft of light,
Where dust is their fare and clay their food,
Where they see no light, residing in darkness,
Where they are clothed like birds, with wings for garments,
And where over door and bolt is spread dust.
When Ishtar reached the gate of the Land of No Return,
She said to the gatekeeper:
“O gatekeeper, open thy gate,
Open thy gate so I may enter!
If thou openest not the gate so that I cannot enter,
I will smash the door, I will shatter the bolt,
I will smash the doorpost, I will move the doors,
I will raise up the dead eating the living,
So that the dead will outnumber the living.”
The gatekeeper opened his mouth to speak,
Saying to exalted Ishtar:
“Stop, my lady, do not throw it down!
I will go to announce thy name to Queen Ereshkigal.”
The gatekeeper entered, saying to Ereshkigal:
“Behold, they sister Ishtar is waiting at the gate,
She who upholds the great festivals,
Who stirs up the deep before Ea, the king.”
When Ereshkigal heard this, her face turned pale like a cut-down tamarisk,
While her lips turned dark like a bruised kuninu-reed.
What drove her heart to me? What impelled her spirit hither?
Lo, should I drink water with the Anunnaki?
Should I eat clay for bread, drink muddied water for beer?
Should I bemoan the men who left their wives behind?
Should I bemoan the maidens who were wretched from the laps of their lovers?
Or should I bemoan the tender little one who was sent off before his time?
Go, gatekeeper, open the gate for her,
Treat her in accordance with the ancient rules.”
Forth went the gatekeeper to open the door for her:
“Enter, my lady, that Cutha may rejoice over thee,
That the palace of the Land of No Return may be glad at they presence.”
When the first gate he had made her enter,
He stripped and took away the great crown on her head.
“Why, o gatekeeper, didst thou take the great crown on my head?”
“Enter, my lady, thus are the rules of the Mistress of the Underworld.”
When the second gate he had made her enter,
He stripped and took away the pendants on her ears.
“Why, O gatekeeper, didst thou take the pendants on my ears?”
“Enter, my lady, thus are the rules of the Mistress of the Underworld.”
When the third gate he had made her enter,
He stripped and took away the chains round her neck.
“Why, O gatekeeper, didst thou take the chains round my neck?”
“Enter, my lady, thus are the rules of the Mistress of the Underworld.”
When the fourth gate he had made her enter,
He stripped and took away the ornaments on her breast.
“Why, O gatekeeper, didst thou take the ornaments on my breast?”
“Enter, my lady, thus are the rules of the Mistress of the Underworld.”
When the fifth gate he had made her enter,
He stripped and took away the girdle of birthstones on her hips.
“Why, O gatekeeper, didst thou take the girdle of birthstones on my hips?”
“Enter, my lady, thus are the rules of the Mistress of the Underworld.”
When the sixth gate he had made her enter,
He stripped and took away the clasps round her hands and feet.
“Why, O gatekeeper, didst thou take the clasps round my hands and feet?”
“Enter, my lady, thus are the rules of the Mistress of the Underworld.”
When the seventh gate he had made her enter,
He stripped and took away the breechcloth round her body.
“Why, O gatekeeper, didst thou take the breechcloth round my body?”
“Enter, my lady, thus are the rules of the Mistress of the Underworld.”
As soon as Ishtar had descended to the Land of No Return,
Ereshkigal saw her and burst out at her presence.
Ishtar, unreflecting, flew at her.
Ereshkigal opened her mouth to speak,
“Go, Namtar, lock her up in my palace!
Release against her the sixty miseries:
Misery of the eyes against her eyes,
Misery of the sides against her sides,
Misery of the heart against her heart,
Misery of the feet against her feet,
Misery of the head against her head –
Against every part of her, against her whole body!”
After Lady Ishtar had descended to the nether world,
The bull springs not upon the cow, the ass impregnates not the jenny,
In the street the man impregnates not the maiden.
The man lies in his own chamber, the maiden lies on her side.
The countenance of Papsukkal, the vizier of the great gods,
Was fallen, his face was clouded
He was clad in mourning, long hair he wore.
Forth went Papsukkal before Ea, the king:
“Ishtar has gone down to the nether world, she has not come up.
Since Ishtar has gone down to the Land of No Return,
The bull springs not upon the cow, the ass impregnates not the jenny,
In the street the man impregnates not the maiden.
The man lies down in his own chamber,
The maiden lies down on her side.”
Ea in his wise heart conceived an image,
And created Asushunamir, a eunuch:
“Up, Asushunamir, set thy face to the gate of the Land of No Return:
The seven gates of the Land of No Return shall be opened for thee.
Ereshkigal shall see thee and rejoice at thy presence.
When her heart has calmed, her mood is happy,
Let her utter the oath of the great gods.
Then lift up thy head, paying mind to the life-water bag:
“Pray, lady, let them give me the life-water bag
that water therefrom I may drink.”
As soon as Ereshkigal heard this,
She smote her thigh, bit her finger:
“Thou didst request of me a thing that should not be requested.
Come, Asushunamir, I will curse thee with a mighty curse!
The food of the city’s gutters shall be thy food,
The sewers of the city shall be thy drink.
The threshold shall be thy habitation,
The besotted and the thirsty shall smite they cheek!”
Ereshkigal opened her mouth to speak,
Saying these words to Namtar, her vizier:
“Up, Namtar, knock at Egalgina,
Adorn the thresholds with the coral-stone,
Bring forth the Anunnaki, seated them on thrones of gold,
Sprinkle Ishtar with the water of life and take her from my presence!”
Forth went Namtar, knocked at Egalgina,
Adorned the thresholds with coral-stone,
Brought forth the Anunnaki, seated them on thrones of gold,
Sprinkled Ishtar with the water of life and took her from her presence.
When through the first gate he had made her go out,
He returned to her the breechcloth for her body.
When through the second gate he had made her go out,
He returned to her the clasps for her hands and feet.
When through the third gate he had made her go out,
He returned to her the birthstone girdle for her hips.
When through the fourth gate he had made her go out,
He returned to her the ornaments for her breasts.
When through the fifth gate he had made her go out,
He returned to her the chains for her neck.
When through the sixth gate he had made her go out,
He returned to her the pendants for her ears.
When through the seventh gate he had made her go out,
He returned to her the great crown for her head.
“If she does not give thee her ransom price, bring her back.
As for Tammuz, the lover of her youth,
Wash him with pure water, anoint him with sweet oil:
Clothe him with a red garment,

let him play on a flute of lapis.
Let the courtesans turn his mood.”
When Belili was stringing her jewelry,
And her lap was filled with “eye-stones,”
On hearing the sound of her brother, Belili struck the jewelry on…
So that the “eye-stones” filled the…
“My only brother, bring no harm to me!
On the day when Tammuz comes up to me,
When with him the lapis flute and the carnelian ring come up to me,
When with him the wailing men and wailing women come up to me,
May the dead rise and smell the incense.”



Dumuzid (= “true/right child/son” in Sumerian), “the Fisherman”, originally from Kuara in Sumer, was the 3rd king in the 1st Dynasty of Uruk and Gilgamesh‘s predecessor, according to the Sumerian king list.

Today several versions of the Sumerian death of Dumuzi have been recovered, “Inanna’s Descent to the Underworld”, “Dumuzi’s dream” and “Dumuzi and the galla“, as well as a tablet separately recounting Dumuzi’s death, mourned by holy Inanna, and his noble sister Geštinanna, and even his dog and the lambs and kids in his fold;

 number of pastoral poems and songs relate the love affair of Inanna and Dumuzid the shepherd. A text recovered in 1963 recounts “The Courtship of Inanna and Dumuzi” in terms that are tender and frankly erotic.

Based on the incomplete texts as first found, it was assumed that Ishtar/Inanna’s descent into Kur occurred after the death of Tammuz/Dumuzid rather than before and that her purpose was to rescue Tammuz/Dumuzid. This is the familiar form of the myth as it appeared in M. Jastrow’s Descent of the Goddess Ishtar into the Lower World, 1915, widely available on the Internet. New texts uncovered in 1963 filled in the story in quite another fashion,[8] showing that Dumuzi was in fact consigned to the Underworld himself, in order to secure Inanna’s release.

Inanna’s faithful servant attempted to get help from the other gods but only wise Enki/Ea responded.

In Sumerian mythology, a vegetation god representing the decay and growth of natural life; he died at midsummer and was rescued from the underworld the following spring by his lover Ishtar. His cult spread over Babylonia, Syria, Phoenicia, and Palestine. He was possibly identified with the Egyptian Osiris and the Greek Adonis.

His name was given to the fourth month of the Babylonian and Hebrew year.

The Sumerian name of Tammuz was Dumuzi. In the Bible his disappearance is mourned by the women of Jerusalem (Ezek. 8.14).

He was loved by the fertility goddess Ishtar, who, according to one legend, was so grief-stricken at his death that she contrived to enter the underworld to get him back. According to another legend, she killed him and later restored him to life.

The black dog, your shepherd dog, the noble dog, your lordly dog – Dumuzid had a dog he loved very much.



Demons have no mother; they have no father or mother, sister or brother, wife or children. When …… were established on heaven and earth…

…they do not know good from evil.

The following Note was written earlier on today

First Note

19/10/2008 21:41

The first lady I went to – on 01/10/2008:  I first got in more than 3 decks of cards with more than one reference to “The Creator”.  She thought I am very pure and are an angel in a human body.  But also got the card “Nothingness” in the one reading as the first card that was drawn.  These cards, the presence of “The Creator” and the “Nothingness” in all the readings, is for me linked in the myths to “Father (Sky)”.

Then this lady did, just before I left, a Goddess reading which gave the card:  Diana.  It is a goddess that is in a picture of a kind of hunter!

But the 2nd woman I went to, she couldn’t give me any accurate reading at all.  Eventually she said to me to choose 6 cards – I had to choose 6 cards until the whole packet was nearly on the table.  But what came of it was the 3 Queens.  And they were in such position that they (if they would have been on the Cartesian Plane in Mathematics) in the Quadrants that I had a dream about that is “reality” and not “illusion”.  It is from (the Cartesian point of view) from the III Quadrant and the Ist Quadrant.  Or – all positive.  But the Third one was in the middle on The Point, The Point of Balance, namely [0;0].


And now I discovered from the Divine Order I put the information from Wikipedia in something about a Big Dog (Great Dane – Just Nuisance), Small Dog (Charlie – Chihuahua), a hunter (?) [Diana – goddess] and then a goddess (Ishtar – who is linked to the same mythology than that of Osiris and Isis in Egyptian mythology, this one is just linked to the word “Cedar” and the Mesopotamian mythologies – indeed very old) who is linked to Lions (and see the Ford Focus with registration number: “speculat 8”) and Linda’s link to me, the 16, come from an 8 and 8.


But according to the written piece:

Orion – Father (Sky) [2],

This goddess makes kings from young heroes.  But also involved in all of this, is Father (Sky) – and I have added in the other pieces about Father (Sky). 

19/10/2008 21:56 or 9/11


End of Note!

End of Chitchat 10 and 11 together where 10 and 11 gives a 111 or “reveal/insight/revelation”.

19/10/2008 23:16




Power of POWER[LOVE?]?


The Light fall on the inverse line of what is real, according to the dream I had about this line to check reality through the Point [0;0], the Point of Balance.



Dear John

06/12/2008 14:03 (laptop’s time) turning 14:04 or the 144 for the ALL – and this piece from Chitchat on And 16:07 (cell’s time) or added it gives a 7:7 or 14.

In mainstream Christianity, the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost is one of the three entities of the Holy Trinity which make up the single substance of God; that is, the Spirit is considered to act in concert with and share an essential nature with God the Father and God the Son (Jesus Christ). The Christian theology of the Holy Spirit, or pneumatology, was the last piece of Trinitarian theology to be fully explored and developed. For this reason, there is greater theological diversity among Christian understandings of the Spirit than there is among understandings of the Son (Christology) and of the Father. Within Trinitarian theology, the Holy Spirit is sometimes referred to as the “Third Person” of the Triune God – with the Father being the First Person and the Son the Second Person.


But what I find interesting is the part that says that there is more known about the Holy Ghost, than of Jesus The Christ and of God the Father, according to the Christian Religion where these Three are a Trinity (Prism?).  And it was said above of the King in Myth, namely Gilgamesh, that he was 2 Thirds deity and 1 Third human.  This “sounds” like 2 Thirds (Jesus the Christ and God) and 1 Third (Holy Ghost/Spirit)?  Don’t know if there is a correlation, it is just very “similar” in similarity to 2 Thirds and 1 Third in both instances.  But to receive the Holy Spirit is apparently a gift you receive that goes along with a lot of power.  And it seems a lot of the people I met recently that tried to convince me to go for the “power” of the Holy Spirit/Ghost, have got no heart for even a little dog.  It makes me think of Lord of the Rings, where Power is the worse enemy facing this world.

As I have been judged in these past few weeks by someone who has received the Holy Spirit/Ghost and has felt its power and now just want to taste that Power again and again.  Doesn’t matter what.  But I found no Love lost, like the Love I learnt from my Dog, in this whole process.  In fact, I was judged because I dare love my Dog so much.  I was judged because I am not seeking the power of the Holy Ghost through Jesus Christ by way of giving my heart to Jesus and learn how to be like Jesus – to do the miracles and even more like Jesus did them in the New Testament of the Christian Bible.


I just hope that God’s Love can hit this planet and ALL on it, before humankind gets so badly obsessed with the Power of God in the way of receiving the Holy Spirit/Ghost through Jesus.  And the worst is, if you do not do this, or have this “Power”, you will end in a “hell” that is claimed was created by God – but I cannot believe that God The Creator, would have done something like that.  That is why I prayed for those who believe that God created a “hell” to Jesus, to please ask God The Creator to take that “hell” away for them!  As I think it only exists for them.

I have been harsh now, but again, I am not God The Creator.  I am merely a human being with a lot of failures.  As my worst failure to those that seek the power of the Holy Spirit/Ghost, is to love your dog and animals to such extend that you cry when you see their pain.  That is abnormal – in the Holy Spirit/Ghost, you are so powerful that you will not feel such pain, as it seems such kind of pain is from that place they call “hell”. 

I don’t know, as I only got judged by one person who apparently received the Holy Spirit/Ghost and believe so strongly in Its power, that anything not powerful, will probably end you up in that place called “hell”.  You must be “strong/powerful” to overcome the enemy, namely that place called “hell”.  How many will give up love for power in order not to go to the enemy?  Maybe I am biased, because I love and care.  Who knows?

That is what make me want to go back to that Point of Balance where I have been once, after the shooting incident, a place of Absolute Peace, with no me anymore, as I am not powerful enough it seems to fight the love I have for animals or care I feel for them.  In that NOthingness – ALL that is left is nothing of “you”, the only existence is of Absolute Peace and Harmony.  No such thing as power or failure of being powerful.  It is the total Point of Balance [0;0], where power or failure of being power(full) come together in O(0)ne.

16/10/2008 21:38 or 9/11 and the 38 in the minutes are linked to my Dog, who’s name started with a CH or a 38.  And his death went along with Earthquake’s and forces of nature erupting that had all to do with names that directly or indirectly started with Ch or then, 38.

06/12/2008 14:06 (laptops time) 16:08 (cell’s time) or a 26, the inverse of 62 and 4:08PM or as 4 + 8 = 12, 12 the number of Fulfilment.  But from the day we have a 12 also which gives (as this has got all to do with time) a 144.


Transformation of PRISM – an ILLUSION.


White Light Being Transformed in a static [photograph]




05/12/2008 23:47 (laptops time) and 06/12/2008 1:51AM (cells time) where from the dates we have the 56 or 65 combination which is according to the Lore, the amount of dimensions there are.  But the time for the laptop gives and 11:11 and from the time of my cell phone we have a 1 and 6 or 16.  And photo is photo number 16.  But from the month we have a 12, or fulfilment or then as there are 2, a 12 times 12 as it has got something to do with time.  So it gives the 144, or the ALL.


From Chitchat8

07/10/2008 19:48

I remember how our teacher in Physics at University use to tell us that colours can tell you the following:

If stars are all moving towards one another, then it will give a red colour.  But the further they go – they give the colour blue.

Now if we take these Nebulas on that scientific program the other night – a blue, red and green lens are used to give the Nebula’s their colours.

What if we apply the theory that stars moving away from one another give a blue colour to our sight and if they move towards one another, they give a red colour to our sight – then what are the Nebula’s actually?  As they are forced to have blue and red colours, but do the scientists really know if there are colour at all?

What if those Nebulas are actually moving away from one another and not towards one another or just the other way round?  As I still remember how the professor took a balloon and drew some dots on it with a pen and then started blowing the balloon up.  He explained the phenomena to us that the theory goes that as all these dots are moving away from one another, on the balloon, as it is blown up, the same is happening apparently in the Universe.  The Universe is expanding to such extend that all the stars are moving away from one another.

At the same stage they had theories to proof this phenomena apparently – of all the stars etc. Moving away from one another, or our University professor would not have tried to teach us this.

But is something like the above taken into account when the coloured lenses are used (and very questionably, the blue and red) to photograph something that seems “static” but colourful on those photographs?

07/10/2008 19:58 and the Beginning and End minutes gives a 12/13 combination.  My friend’s wedding day.

Ns.  And the theory comes from the point of view of the speed of light – that each coloured light has got a different speed.  White Light has got apparently the fastest “speed”.

So what are scientists doing if they add the coloured lenses – what becomes of the speed of the blue, red and green light then?  Some kind of transformation?  As all they have done, is to have formed perhaps a piece of art – but still, it is had made!  As according to these same scientists, light consists of particles (a very confused Confuscious once believed) and they (the particles) can travel or then be wavelengths.

But now the Nebula’s are so NURSED to form something “static”?  And something “static” in colour.

All does not make sense to me.  As if Everything in this Universe are moving away from another and according to science, light particles are moving (at whatever speed), how can they make something “static” of anything out in the Universe by taking a photograph of it?

07/10/2008 20:12 turning 13.


This is the end of the part of Chitchat8 that is the important part.

05/12/2008 23:54 (laptop’s time) and 6/12/2008 1:57AM (cell’s time).  And from the laptop’s time we have an 11/9.


Our [OWN] Sillyness.


2 OWN[ed].  Our [OWN] Sillyness




30/11/2008 12:14PM (laptops time) and 14:17 (cell’s time) and from the laptops time we have the “upside down” version of the birth of Joan of Arc


Dear John


It seems the old lady on the farm just saw some snake.  She came to me and called me to come and have a look and as we got there she said she saw the snake going over the road again – this time it was according as to the direction she was pointing in, in the direction of the little CAGE of the little pigs.  And at first I was upset and I told her to go and call the man on the farm, but he says he is on the telephone.  So I thought to myself, well, maybe, let me be it.  Let the snake go to the pigs and if it bite them and they die, so be it.  Maybe it will be better for them anyway.  As they are the victims of some idiot story again.  Let me tell you about these idiots:


It seems idiots believe that if they “own” something, then it belong to them.  And you “own” something if you have paid money for it.  So whether this Planet was created as part of Creation (and for that matter the pigs as well), then if you take money and you pay this money for a piece of this Planet, then it actually “belong” to you?  Luckily to idiot law, this piece of Creation now belong to you as you have paid money for it.


But now this one guy that is suppose to be our neighbour, but he actually stay in Cape Town, he “own” the piece of Creation next door (I wonder what God would have to say about that?) as idiot law tells him he owns it and idiot believes in idiot laws.  So another idiot also bought something that was created by God.  Two little pigs.  And by way of idiot laws, these two pigs or Creations, now belong to him.  But now, pigs have got no concept of idiots laws.  So they discover there is a place on this Creation of God, just as they are Creations of God, that they like very much as it has got something they like to sniff out beneath the leaves and eat as some treat.  And it is underneath the trees in the shade.


But now the idiot who is under the impression he owns (by way of idiot laws) the piece of Planet/Creation he bought, take the same idiot laws and says, but the pigs “belong” by way of idiot laws to someone else.  Therefore, by idiot laws, they do not belong on what I OWN!!!  I the owner here, I am the idiot that OWN this piece of Creation so I say I will use the idiots laws to keep something that belong to someone else, who is by way of idiot law the property of someone else, off my piece I, idiot, own!   And according to all idiotic laws of this world, he has the right to do it.

But now the little pigs have got to stay in a small CAGE until such time a bigger CAGE can be build for them just because they had the priviledge to have been bought by someone and therefore now belong to some idiot that has to abide to idiot laws.  As other animals who are not anybody’s property – or for that matter has been “bought” in some or other way by someone, they are welcome on the “property by way of idiot laws” that the neighbour want the property of someone else to keep off from.  But whether it is baboons he allow (who does not belong to anybody by way of idiot law in some way) and pigs (according to idiot law) he does not allow, I cannot see the difference?  As baboon is Animal and not abiding to idiot laws.  But pigs are also Animals and have to abide to idiot laws although they have no clue of it.  Not baboon or pig, has got any clue of the concepts the idiots use to tell themselves that certain pieces of Creation actually belong to them.  Only and idiot can think and make laws to make himself believe but i actually “own” (a) Creation (piece) as I paid “money” for it!


Luckily the Animals are not that idiotic, maybe that is why I love Animals so much.  As they are not as idiotic as these idiots who think they actually “own” things by way of certain idiot laws they created.  Animals are not idiots, they do as they please.  Whether the idiot is suffering from some idiotic syndrome that he actually “own” something because some numbers in a bank gave him that “ownership”, how much more of a syndrome can it be than that of an idiot syndrome?


But it is not just here at the dwelling place of the gods and goddesses that this is happening – I have already written to Lore about this long time ago.  About how idiots think they “own” things because some number on a piece of paper told them that!  And then they think I have lost it because some number on a piece of paper is telling me that “Every cloud has got a silver/golden lining”?  What is the difference?  As both comes from numbers on a piece of paper!!!!!

Anyway, just wanted to share this idiot story with you.  What is going to happen to the pigs and the snake, i do not know?  Maybe they must let themselves get bitten so they can get rid of this idiot laws they are abide to without asking for it and worse, without having a concept of it!



Placebo SCHEDULED 2B[2]?


The King and Queen in The Triangle of the contrast between The Sun and The Shade




29/11/2008 12:57PM (Laptops time) and 14:59 (cell’s time) – it seems the cells are the rest of time ahead, or is the rest of time behind?


Dear John


My hair is falling out.  Or since I have been here on top of the Mountain, on the Cedar Peak, the other side of the gatkant of the Planet,  I have been in the sun horribly.  And the message I got on the night of 19/12/2007 was that the Su(o)n is made of Helium, but must be called: Elohim.  And after that night I looked up about the Sun and about Helium and it seems it gives us radiation.  Helium provides according to science, us with radiation.  And I remembered now how some lady I know, how she is suffering because she received chemo therapy for cancer, which also contains radiation.  And that makes you loose your hair too.  But I guess that is besides the point now, what is important now, is the link between the Sun and our interpretation that it consist out of only helium.  As that all come down to Quantum Physics again.  And look at the following:


I have been having trouble with the pharmacy in town to give me my medication tremendously.  And I went to all sides with it as to explain to myself that maybe it is because they think I am an addict that they are trying to keep my normal tablets, which grounds me, away from me.


So when I went to the pharmacy yesterday, I was at first so upset as the pharmacist tried to explain to me that the tablets I am taking have a certain colour and apparently, according to him, some people get used to the packaging of the pills or of the colour of the pills.  So what that boils down to, is that many may believe eventually that if they take that colour pill, it is still their pill they are taking for their body – some kind of conditioning.  But what does that mean?  If you then give someone a placebo and the colour and same look than the original tablet this person has been taken, then this person will keep on believing but I am still taking my same tablet, it is still working for my body.  That person does not have knowledge that the pill is actually a placebo!  To take this to the extreme, first an idiot story about this:  idiot takes his tablet, but the idiot in the pharmacy who gave idiot a placebo that looks alike the tablet idiot think is curing him, and still have the same results from the placebo.  What is going to happen?  Idiot will get addicted to placebo.  So the world will have to open pharmaceutical companies all over the world to produce placebo pills as someone was the first to get an addict on placebo.  What do the idiotic world do then, they realize, Oh, we have another addictive medicine, the placebo, so we must make the placebo a scheduled medicine so the idiots cannot get hold of placebos in order to become addicted to it!  This is how ridiculous it can get in this idiotic world it seems?  As it seems then idiots body needs something – the placebo.  But according to the law of some sort, it is called that idiot is an addict to the placebo now.  But the idiot’s body needs other things as well?  As the idiots body needs food for instance.  So then idiot will probably realize, but everything my body needs, I am addicted to.  So if I do not want to be an addict of any sorts, I must now stop eating as well!  My body needs breath to live, but then I am in need of breath, so then I must be addicted to breathing, so I must probably stop breathing as well – as maybe that is a schedule 5 medicine or even a schedule higher medicine to cure my body to live?  What an idiotic world with idiotic standards!


But that is not what I want to say, this was just to give me a bit of fun!  The idiots.  But what the principle behind all this is – another plain and simple Quantum Physics phenomena.  Like all the rest I have written about, this one is another classic example of why it was written about how we can actually manifest!  Remember that book “The Secret”?  Well, it is the same principle.  And behind all of our manifestations and the so called power of the mind, lie Quantum physics.  I have already written about this.  In all my Lores there is reference to this principle and how it makes idiots of the people of this planet.  Everybody want to know but why is it chaos?  Well, according to how our science developed, we have a world of opposites we believe in.   And we have developed our science on that too.  And the ultimate of a science that started with Confuscious and the “single particle” theory, is that it ends up, in combination with our mathematics, in a world of opposites and the world of Quantum, where we can actually create.  We can manifest.  But I do not think we have a clue as to the far reaching effects and consequences this have on human kind. 


But, what if someone is confusing our minds with this?  Have any of us considered that?  But also, what if we actually start getting into that believe that there is no world of opposites?  Will there then be any existence of any kind left at all – except maybe that state I reached after the shooting incident when I was according to Master Kuthumi, in the so called NOTHINGNESS?


But if we did not believe we are in a world of opposites, I doubt if we would have had the science we have now to give us that so called power to manifest?


But it seems to me, what man has created now (but I see it as Devine Order as both Newton and Einstein had partners who was just not recognised that came to the same conclusions they came to at the same time both of them got to their conclusions), is something that can be potentially dangerous to man.  Like that the Sun is made of helium which our science and therefore global consciousness, has decided gives us radiation.  And then they went and defined radiation as something so poisonous to humans that it can influence our whole bodies.  Look what is happening to me because of the Su(o)n’s rays.  And my mother had the same kind of problem when we got to Pretoria.  But again, the principle behind Quantum is, if you go to your doctor and you do not feel well, the doctor can give you medicine.  But the fact of the matter is, the doctor make a diagnoses.  What if the doctor tells you it is your appendix, meantime you may be healthy with just eating too much the previous night.  If the doctor then treat you for that illness he decide you have, will you get better?  Well, if we take that we can manifest with our minds, and if the pharmacist is correct that some people only have to take the same colour tablet, but it may only be a placebo and will still work, then the doctors can give us anything to drink and with the help of the global consciousness, who believes then that placebos became a scheduled medicine as someone got addicted to it, suddenly it become a powerful way to heal people, just because of the Quantum principle behind it.  But I guess that will then be what the Behaviourism also boil down to in a sense?  As by conditioning, you can change patterns.  In essence it is then again, Quantum physics – or all in the mind, but because we live in a world of opposites.  (See how I brought Quantum Physics and manifestation in relation with each other to produce/or are producing, the world of opposites we live in).


But, maybe if we start renaming things, maybe if people can get to understand the principle I have been trying to explain in so many Lores that the point we must strive for is the Point of Balance, the one where we actually get out of the state of mind of the World of Opposites, maybe if we can also start renaming things, then it can change as well.  If people are going to get effected by the Sun – as we believe in Global Warming and therefore we believe that the sun has got more direct contact with us – and this is getting a global consciousness thought, the more we will start getting illnesses in the human bodies that is related to the side effects of helium or then, radiation.  Remember, global consciousness is powerful in Quantum world. 


So maybe even Global Warming can be beaten by way of defining things differently and making it another name or something.  Maybe that is why in First Time there was no side effects of the sun?  As the Sun was only seen as some kind of god in myth and Lore.  So it was not defined that it consisted out of a specific “chemical” – all man invented concepts – where this chemical can actual be harmful for mankind.  But if we change our perspectives, our global consciousness to something else, to something where we create that we cannot create anymore (and that place can only be in the Point of Balance, the point [0;0]), then we cannot give names to things that can have that kind of effect on us without us noticing it.  Or having realization about it.  But this mean change.  Big change!   As everything is based on those principles as we have even brought theories into being called science to enhance the global consciousness in those definitions we have.  It is all about words.  But words can be deceitful.  It can be the truth, but it can also be a different version of the truth, as that is what Quantum is all about.  And in all my Lores, that was the one thing I came to realize.  As look at this principle, whether truth or not truth (and our judicial systems work with true or not true and not with true or false), we are working with truth!  Literally!

Anyway, I do not know what I am going to do about my hair.  Maybe that is why i want to get back to the NOTHINGNESS.  There I can be totally out of sight of mind – by being myself in the point of Balance, the Point [0;0].  And not subject to the theories of this world’s global consciousness.


It is only here on Cedar Peak, that I realized now how powerful the global consciousness can be.  And people are going to develop more and more illnesses that are actually related to the side effects of exposure to radiation, as we believe we can manifest and because we have named and defined and made it global consciousnesss that we have Global Warming and therefore we are “more” exposed to the Sun.  But I have shown how it seems that we actually have global dimming.  So both are an essence (as we are not really in a world of opposites – it is merely a state of mind) which give that if we finally get to the point of Balance, the Point [0;0] that is explained so far in the Lores, we might actually be able to buy ourselves time to stay on with this planet and to move on and not get effected by the Sun or by the definitions we have attached to our reality.  We might just survive as mankind in some or other way.  Don’t know if we are suppose to?  But there is a way, the Golden Midway which is also already described.

But I think to proof in another way my point (so many times made now), that we are only in “the state of mind of this world of opposites”, which brought about the Quantum principle, is to ask:  But how does the principle of evolution have any existence then at all?  Something out of the global consciousness, happen from time to time on this Planet to bring about someting different.  If Quantum and what I call “the state of mind of the world of opposites” were only my imagination (and why don’t I dare have an imagination, as the world seems to be happy to live in an imagination that they live in a world of opposites), evolution principle would not have been possible.  As that is something that is totally outside the most powerful global consciousness – who’s effects we are only starting to realize now – that happens!

29/11/2008 13:51 (Laptops time) 15:54 (cell’s time) and how is our cells influencing us because the way it gets defined by our words and our therefore global consciousness of them?




28/11/2008 12:13PM


I am wondering where John got his “big” thoughts from?  They are amazing.  To think, if I get into the situation where I “flung” myself like a hurricane into the outer edges of chaos, and I am only then dependent on myself most of the times to get back to some state of peace again, but what will happen if God gets into that situation?  How will God handle it?  Will it be something like that we have Creation and we reach an outer edge situation – in Creation and Devine Order – of chaos, then the so called matrix must be used to recreate, in order to bring the outer edges in again, like breathing in and out?  Is that life?  Chaos on the outer edges that needs to be put back in place?  Take a deep breath therefore.  John, you are truly a wise man.  Having these deep thoughts.  As is that what is God’s Breath?  But for me it takes a lot of “courage” is all I can call it, to get from my outer edges to my state of peace and calm again.  And most of the time I feel terribly alone in those stages of getting back to my peace and calm again, my centre as John call it.


I wonder how God experience it?  As that feeling of loneliness is terrible.

28/11/2008 12:21PM


28/11/2008 14:48 or 14:12, the year that Joan of Arc was born in.

The eye of The Tornado – the centre of Peace!

28/11/2008 14:49 or 14:13, the number combination in some form of Zep Tepi

But this is also my inspiration in life.  My tornado impulsiveness.  Going to the outer edges – landing there on impulsiveness and then coming back eventually to a state of calm and peace – like John said.  Breathing in and out – the life forces, the creative forces (breathing), as creat(ion) is life.  Or then – my inspirtation in my writings most of the time.  But for The Creator, it must be us.

28/11/2008 14:55 or 555, Marion’s number combination for brilliance.



Between The Desert and The Deep Blue Sea.



2008/08/13   16:30


Nothing has ALWAYS been there.  But of “always” is said on page 51, the 3rd column the 8th word (this gives a 38 – the CH)


“3.  STILL,…, now, in any or every circumstance, anyway”.

And then on page 2020 of the Oxford Dictionaries, the 2nd column the LAST word in this column:


“Motionless, stationary, remaining in the same position; ..photograph”.


And the Balance between Origin and End is with the emphasis on End.  And the End of Everything will only leave behind something like a “photograph”.  And it will fade away to inevitably become something new again, a new Origin again.  As this Origin only exists because the End has faded.  And that is ALL!!


Like if the Polar Bear goes into extinction – something is lost, but something new is gained, something without the past and that is something different.  As what is something from the past, will be the faded End, so Origin comes from something that has faded to such extend it never existed.  So the NO-thingness comes then from a past of never existed, which is the rise of the “new” Origin.  Which in turn will turn out to be a faded End, or a non existence.




And this is the only way to understand “Origin”.  And the Faded End (like a faded photograph) giving birth to a new Origin, is coming together in the NO-thingness.

2008/08/13   16:38


26/08/08 or 08/08/08   13:18


The End before The Origin of Everything, was the “photograph” of nothing.  This ended as it faded and something had to come into origin, namely something.  And something was within nothing.  But then something faded into an End session again and therefore came to an End and a new Origin had to come into being, as something faded and something new had to be in Origin, it had to be something linked to something.  But it could not be something again – as something already faded in End and something new was to come into Origin now.  So the something Originated again and something’s inverses came into Origin.  And that is how duality was started inside nothing. 

But because something is surrounded by nothing, it is “inside” nothing and because it do not have an inverse counterpart, it could not become nothing again (which is not an option for duality).


So that is why the inverse of something came into being, by still being something – as it was the only thing that could come into being with an inverse where both the name (in this case, something) as its inverse, is called something.

So something had to become Everything in order for Everything to be something.


And for something and something’s inverse to be fulfilled (in order to reach End again), something eventually had to become Everything – which was the birth of the act of Creation.


And that is why Everything will also eventually reach End for another Origin to begin.


26/08/08 or 08/08/08 13:27 (And both the Beginning and End of The Impossible Dream have time a 13 hours or 1PM and a 9 or a 19.  But from the date we have that 8 + 8 + 8 = 24 or 2 + 4 = 6, which gives a 19/6 – the day I got shot on).





And the most Serious part of All written up to now, is between The Desert and The Deep Blue Sea.  And it is send out into this world on 17(8)/08/08.


Published on August 17, 2008 at 11:52 am





24/08/08   13:50


It is crucial to remember that I have no physics background.  That is why the information on physics are not “proved” on the micro levels of physicists.  My logic WILL/MUST be different to bring The Bigger Picture into duality – as the physicists working with physics in its micro/mathematical/theoretical ways, cannot see physics as only a compartment of science, therefore they cannot see science in different logical Bigger picture anymore.


They are actually “stuck” inside the micro dimensions of what they don’t really call science anymore – it became physics, chemistry, mathematics, astronomy etc and who knows how many small departments will still pop up like mushrooms?  


And this all in the name of Science.


So when I write about anything in science, it is about THE BIGGER PICTURE, which are not available on a small scale of THE SMALLER PICTURE!


But it might also be that the so called scientists may take up whatever I wrote about whether it was mathematics or physics or whatever “science” the so called scientists learn off by heart at University (like parrots), the same way they may take up this dream I had on the morning of 22/08/08 which was such a powerful dream that it actually woke me up directly afterwards and it still flash through my mind from time to time.  I wrote it down the same morning and here is the quote of it:


Dream on 22/08/08 – 08:29AM


Just before I woke up this morning, I had the weirdest dream…


I was on the roof of a huge high building and a voice was talking to me from some place I don’t know, but it was not inside me, it was outside me.  And all that I can remember about what the voice said to me was about me being send to this planet and that those documents were kept VERY SAFE in a very special/private place and it seemed like it was this company which was beneath me .  It was kept it seemed in this huge high building, that the top manager or something knew about the whereabouts of my papers of me being send to this planet.


And then a woman walked by with a silver envelope in her hand and I said to her:  “no, that is mine”, and I took the silver envelope from her and opened it.  But as I opened it, inside was a piece of paper and what I mostly saw was the top part (but it seemed the letter was all about the same) of the letter that was at some places light and at some places there was not light – like maybe some kind of code or something, but the top, the first, was light.  The place where you normally address someone in a letter,  that was Light.  But I couldn’t understand this.  As I looked at the top word and tried to read it, but all I read was the light there.  Like a light alike words.


And I was told something about my family on earth, but all I saw was an insect all by itself in an enclosure where it could easily get out of as the holes were much greater in size than the insect.

And then I woke up.  But as I woke up, all that was in my mind was that letter that was written with light, or in light?

22/08/08   08:38AM  (Where 38 is linked to the CH of for one, my dog Charlie).

End of Quote of the Dream on 22/08/08 the morning that woke me up.


At first I thought maybe I watched too many superman movies, but this is hardly about superman, it is only about letter written in light that has got something to do with myself being on this planet.  And maybe, who knows, maybe we all have such a letter?


So this just proof that me myself, are asking rational questions about what thoughts I get about certain mathematical and other scientific issues.  And I do question myself as well – or at least, the thought I get about a certain aspect.  It is not just rushing off to see how much thoughtless ideas I can put into all my writings.

I do question the ideas I get, until it makes sense for me on a level where my mind has worked on numerous levels with the thoughts.  Like for instance about that dream, my first question was – haven’t you watched too many superman movies?  But then I realized, but what does the dream have got to do with superman?  That is why I said, we may all have such letters about our being on this planet.

24/08/08   13:58 and 5 + 8 = 13, which gives a 13/13 or 4/4 or 44 or the Hebrew Name of God that mean:  “I will be revealed at ever greater levels”.





23/08/08 20:42


The Creative Forces (Feminine forces) are also the destructive forces.  As we live in duality – which only mean that which are created, must be destructed/destroyed again.  That’s the law in a state of mind of being in a world of opposites.


According to Einstein’s theories, if you wanted to create a vehicle that can travel faster than the speed of white light, that vehicle needed to have mass/greatness as The Universe (The Everything) itself.

But a white light particle has a vehicle, as it is a “particle/vehicle” in itself carrying the white light.  But is this vehicle/particle in mass/greatness the mass/greatness as The Universe itself?  Then Everything must be the mass/greatness as that of the white light “vehicle/particle”.  Or a white light particle must be in mass/greatness equal the mass/greatness of Everything.


But the fact of the matter is, besides showing that mass/greatness are because of the nonsense of Einstein,  in its point of Balance (as it does not make sense to us who are experiencing in a world of opposites that a light particle/vehicle is the same mass as The Whole of The Universe), that some kind of vehicle, namely a particle, a white light particle, is moving at the speed of white light.  And according to Einstein NO vehicle were able to go at the speed of white light if not the mass equal that of The Whole of The Universe/All.  So again some NONsense, as there are a vehicle that appear not to have the mass/greatness of The Universe itself, that can move at the speed of white light.  The white light vehicle/particle itself.


23/08/08 20:52 and from the minutes we have a 42 and 52 where the 4 and 5 (the firsts) give a 45 or 54 – which is for me the Balance of heaven and earth with 4 the earth and 5 the heavens.   And then we have the 22, and the hours of the Beginning and End times, gives 20 + 20 = 40.  But 40 + 22 = 62, the number that links Einstein to Global Warming (and behind that link is the whole thing of  miss/mess-perception).

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