
The Heart of Numbers, The HEART of NOTHING.



04/01/2009 7:55PM or 19:55 and Lore was born in the year 1955.


Dear John


According to Mathematics, the limit if the function x near 0, is neverending.  So mathematics in itself, and therefore Science as a whole, as Science in Physics and Astronomy and other sciences are using mathematics to proof their theories, say that on the Cartesian Plane, if you want to have the function of x to near 0, in Analytical Mathematics the limit is neverending – so the function of x will never reach 0 or a state of balance.  That is why chaos will rein until such time Science and Mathematics have accepted they have a [mess]conception of the Truth.


And this is JOHN26, where 62, the inverse of 26, is linked to Global Warming and Einstein or then the Quantum Principle and therefore linked for me to the State of Mind of the World of Opposites.  And not getting into balance.  Unless something happens and Human see what an idiot he has been to not see what he has been [mess]taken.



04/01/2009 20:01 OR 8:01PM and 8 + 1 = 9.  But from 20:01 we have 2001 and from the year, 2009, we have 2 + 9 = 11 and from the 8:01, we have a 9, or a 9/11 or 11/9 and 2001.  But from the 20:01 we also have a 21 and from the date, we have a 04/01 or a 14 or 41 combination.  And this 21 or 12 combination combined with the 14 41 combination is linked to the date of birth of Joan of Arc, namely 1412.  And we had another birth, the birth of Lore, in the time of the Beginning Time.


The email to accompany JOHN26


2009/01/04 8:08PM


Hi John


Attached is JOHN26, but what I wonder is how the Sciences manage to find equilibrium in our Solar System if in some basic assumption in their mathematics that underwrite their theories of Science in general, there is no balance at all ever possible?


Something somewhere about Science does not make sense and I have been trying to get it out in the world now for how long, but all seems to be a worthless effort.  I even understand what the consequences of it ALL can be.  Maybe not in total, but what is necessary to know.


I get frustrated with this as the helium the sciences have made the Sun consist of and that are in a way poisonous for a human, is just killing me.  I can barely take it any longer.  How much longer must this go on?




2009/01/04 8:13PM turning 8:14PM which gives the 13 and 14 of the Zep Tepi coordintaes combination.


Second Part of JOHN26


Dear John


The First Part may not make sense, but look at this. 

I have had these ideas about the binary number system being not totally “cosure” to call it the least.  And the last few months it has been brewing in the back of my mind how computers are based on that.  And I started out thinking how Einstein and Newton was wrong and the book “The Final Theory” just came out a month or so ago and scientists are now testing and questioning this guy’s claims.  He is an accepted Physicist in the science community.  I have been waiting to jot down this “proof” about the binary number system being “insufficient” as I feared exactly this – that we might all end up being out of communication should it get into the system of some kind of this “matrix” of “Universe” we call “reality” we live in. 

I feel Everything is going to end up a disaster – as if we need to stop something from happening, or maybe just find the way out?  Exactly, the WAY OUT!  Sorry, that was meant for me but I leave it with you as well.


It seems to me that those the furthests away from the chaos, the closest to The Peace, are the ones getting hit the most by the Chaos.  Or feeling it.  Those in the Chaos are too chaotic anyway to realize it even.  But those getting closer to The Peace, they seem to feel/realize the chaos so I think we need to ask for Protection for them to get to The Peace in Peace without being caught up in The Chaos.  This might not make sense to you now, neither does it now to me, but I will read it again after I have emailed it to you.  Maybe later on it will make some sense. 


Find Peace and then leave Peace in Peace!! !!!


Ok, I hope the above worked.  AS something was given to me, kill “something” and then kill kill to get rid of kill and therefore never for something to come back again, it has been killed and if kill is also killed, it can also never return, so find peace and then leave peace in peace is the only answer for peace.  As it is all in the words, the way it is being put.


So whenever you find your PC and can mail, I hope the PC will be fine soon.

And then under the heading:  RECESSION COMES TO PC MAKERS

19/01/2009 6:36AM

 The subject is also the subject of the “information window” on gmail as I opened it up now.  It was also said on yesterday on the news on the radio that there is expected to come a “blow up” in the internet industry.  I do not understand why – if they expect the internet industry to “blow up” – why is there coming a recession for PC makers?


I am just asking, but I think it is this Binary Code thing.  Everything in time is 1 out because there is according to Xenon of Athene, no continuity between 0 and 1 as you can never reach from 0 to 1 as you can never move from 1 point to the next.  As before you want to move from 0 to the half of the 1st point, you first have to travel half the distance.  To do that you first have to travel half the distance of that.  And so on.  So you actually never get to move away from the point of Origin.  This was to show that there is a question about motion, but in the End, it comes down to that you can never get from 0 to 1 or have the number 1 for that MATTER.  And computers and therefore everything with it, are based on the Binary Code.  As your point of The Point of Balance, should be [0;0] anyway, and not [0;1] or [1;0].  And not even [1;1] for that matter as it seems that the number 1 should not even exist.  But this implication have got so many and far reaching consequences, even more than that 1 = -1.  And if the far reaching effects of these two are combined, the whole mankind is in its moer as it will never SEE those effects as they would be too hidden because they are and have such far reaching consequences.  A lot of people are seeing some of the EFFECTS coming through and they mostly get documented as conspiracy theories of some kind.  But they do not see the principle that is the CAUSE of these effects they are witnessing.

Why I am asking is because I am wondering if your PC is still giving trouble?


19/01/2009 6:53AM


And then the following I received:


19/01/2009 7:15AM

The End imply a New Beginning or Beginning/Origin.  But to get to this Beginning/Origin, you first have to have an End therefore.  As also does Beginning imply End.  That gives:  [End;Beginning].

But the Beginning number is 0.

So for Everything to be in the Point of Balance, the End must be the same as the Beginning.  That gives [0;0] as the Beginning is 0.

So End is also 0.  You do not start at 1, you start at nothing as it is said:  Everything was created from NOTHING.

19/01/2009 7:18AM

Ns.  This mean you need not get from the point 0 to 1 as you get from the Origin to the End without having to go from 0 to 1 when Everything is in Balance.

21/01/2009 13:14 – Some form of Zep Tepi.


Anyway, John, a lot of this I have done the detail of the proofs already in previous works.  But I guess this last inset in the Second Part, is inclusive enough to proof what I am saying about the Binary number system.  But look what has been happening.  For it to blow up, it can also mean that there could be an expansion in the internet industry.  But I am afraid that the binary systems combined with the human state of mind called the World of opposites, is just too wide spread to explain where and how far reaching its EFFECTS are.  Just think of how the system is already failing because somewhere it has got to be manipulated with the fact that we do not have 1cents and 2cents anymore and the big cash stores has to give either 5cents out and loose 3 cent or whatever, or win from someone.  But how do they justify that on their books?  Does the computer manipulate the figures to suite the big companies?  How do they incorporate this thing if something costs 92 cents and someone pays cash?  Can you see what I mean when I say it has got far reaching effects.  And all because the binary code and the human state of mind of being in a world of opposites is creating a huge “illusion”, if you can even call it that.



21/01/2009 1:39PM and 3 + 9 = 12, the number of fulfillment.

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