By ava414



Dear John

And this is JOHN22 on the 29th or as 2 + 9 = 11, it gives the 22nd on the 11th or a 22/11.  (The date of my accident that I rolled my vehicle in 2008).


The following came to mind…..


29/12/2008 3:09AM

I keep on wondering if the Global Consciousness will still have its power if it realizes it doesn’t have anymore?  Will it then ever realize the power it had at all?



The letter I wrote in reply to a question on a comment on…..

“Placebo Scheduled to B”:


Submitted on 2008/11/30 at 4:14pm

This is my info..

Half the Amazon Rainforest to be Lost by 2030
(NaturalNews) Due to the effects of global warming and deforestation, more than half of the Amazon rainforest may be destroyed or severely damaged by the year 2030, according to a report released by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

The report, “Amazon’s Vicious Cycles: Drought and Fire,” concludes that 55 percent of the world’s largest rainforest stands to be severely damaged from agriculture, drought, fire, logging and livestock ranching in the next 22 years. Another 4 percent may be damaged by reduced rainfall caused by global warming. This is anticipated to destroy up to 80 percent of wildlife habitat in the region.

read more..



Submitted on 2008/11/30 at 6:49pm

30/11/2008 20:38 or 8:38PM and the time your reply came in, 4:14PM

Anyway, it seems people tend to think I am an idiot anyway – go and read my letter to JOHN called JOHN8 that is called: Our [OWN] Sillyness at or

Either way, they will tell you exactly how ridiculous things are. But getting what I am writing is not easy. All I can say, if you want to take me seriously or shall I rather say, if you want to take seriously what I said and really want to see what I have written as a way for this Planet to survive then look for instance at the Hadron Collider! What happened there? It broke down to such extend that the scientists had to: GO AND SEARCH FROM THE SCRATCH OF THE CREATED COLLIDER, to find the problem! And that is what I suggest as well. I have given a mathematical equation for scientists to start with – but of course, it will probably be unacceptable to them. But if you apply it to the rest of some of the insets on the blogs, you will find that it does make sense. And outside people are also talking about the phenomena that we can actually “create”. I mean, the book “The Secret” sold millions. But the mathematical part I am referring to is called in the pages: “The Balance”. It should be in the pages of Horus414 as well.

And that is all I can answer you now. Yes, I am also concerned about the welfare of the Planet. But getting to the things I write I sometimes go through a lot of stuff – like having to roll my vehicle and get out of it afterwards without a scratch. But still it has an impact on my system of some sort. As then all my unconscious stuff first comes out and i have to deal with it and only after that do I get to the parts where I can actually get to the things like they are written in the and

So I do not have a clue if anybody will take it seriously. For myself, I don’t even want to think if I take it seriously or not – I just write it.

So there you have a reply on your “comment”! Do we care enough to even try out some “idiotic” reference or which will most probably be taken up as idiocy by scientists? Or do we rather carry on and hope some alien ship will arive to save the world in some way? Like sitting in the middle of the ocean and a big ship come along and they ask if they can rescue you but you say no, I have said a prayer to God to come and save me! Maybe sometimes the answer is something totally different than what we think it would be? I am only speculating! But maybe there is something to the things I have written!




But then:  Man has not even realized its power to transform for instance Global Warming by way of its mighty power in Global Consciousness in the (for now) principle of Quantum Physics?  Now if Quantum Physics falls apart – are turned upside down and disproof (like is started with the book now:  The Final Theory) and does not exist anymore, will man still have that Global Consciousness power?  As the it means:  the Science may have failed, but the principle behind it was true?  So the only thing was, the Science failed to give a version of the truth – the Whole Truth.

29/12/2008 3:16AM

Ns.  Is Quantum Physics based on Truth or is A Truth based on Quantum Physics?

29/12/2008 3:22AM


29/12/2008 3:29AM

Even if our Global Consciousness at the moment are only based on Quantum Physics, if man should realize that and what its beliefs are (Global Warming for instance), then Global Warming can stop even if man realizes but it cannot manifest (even on a level of Global Consciousness because Science failed).  But still, it will stop believing that it can manifest and it would think but it manifested Global Warming so if it believes it cannot manifest anymore, it would believe but now we cannot manifest Global Warming anymore.  So it would stop manifesting Global Warming anymore.  So it means man’s idea of manifesting will change, and will stop him from manifesting anymore.  But this mere act of the belief that he cannot manifest anymore and therefore stop manifesting, is already an act of manifesting in itself.

So it is only Science that failed to tell the Truth.  The Global Consciousness can still go on in what its beliefs are.

And in the past they used Science to give them that Global Consciousness – but Science is going to fail them miserably as it does not tell the truth, the Whole Truth.

So they will have to find something else to determine what their Global Consciousness is going to be!

29/12/2008 3:36AM

Ns.  So the mere act where everything tumbles and crashes down because that which man’s power was built on came tumbling down, will be a way of showing them but they have that power they think they have lost    look how man would then have created chaos, because it believed it did not have the power to create anymore (not even on Global Consciousness level), man believed that it is creating chaos.  So they do have the power to create whatever they believe – even if that power is that they do not have the power, then they still have that power and it will be in that, that they will realize they have that power – in the realization but they do not have that power  that they will realize but they actually do have that power.  Even if Science failed.

29/12/2008 3:42AM


29/12/2008 4:22AM

But the total collapse of Science and man realizing but it can still manifest by way of the collapse into chaos, will put manifesting the Global Consciousness not on a level of 3 dimensional Scientific proof, but on a level of Faith.  That will be raising the vibration of not only manifesting, but therefore also be raising the vibration of Global Consciousness.  To a level of Faith.  To a level of not religion either, but to a level of Faith.


As in Science there is the flaw of the inbalanceness because certain information got lost in the process of trying to document it.  (See my writing on “TRANSFORMED PRISM –an ILLUSION”).

But once man is off on his road in Faith to manipulating Global Consciousness, another level of vibration would have been reached.  And all on the road of getting out of what is now called the 3 dimensional “density”!   As was said in the Myths:  First chaos, and then out of “density” for the ALL to be able to “melt” into the “rest”.  But that is far beyond the first manifesting of Global Consciousness after the collapse of Science and the collapse of Global Warming.

29/12/2008 4:30AM and 4 + 3 = 7, the number of Soluta – some name form for “solution”.


29/12/2008 6:28AM

And to get out of the 3 Dimensional World (the one where Science will come to a fall) is to move out of the world of the verse, the balance and the inverse and to move to the higher vibration of “faith” is to move out of the 3 Dimensional World of the State of Mind of The World of Opposites, into a world of Balance, the Point [0;0].

This means out of 3 dimensions where 1 is Truth, the one of Balance, the Point [0;0].  But 3 (the old) and 1, the new, but still part of the 3 old ones but was there but just hidden all the time, gives a 31 or 13 or 4 and 4 or 44.  (The gamatria in Hebrew for the Hebrew name of God meaning:  “I will be revealed at ever greater levels”).   But the 3 (Dimensions) consisted of 2 not true and creating the illusion and 1 True or a 21 and 12 or 21/12 combination.

But from 3 Dimensions, to actually 1 Dimension (Faith), which is the 31 or 4th Dimension, which gives a 314 or then 3114, the Zep Tepi coordinates/combination.

29/12/2008 6:30AM



29/12/2008 6:52AM

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