
Placebo SCHEDULED 2B[2]?


The King and Queen in The Triangle of the contrast between The Sun and The Shade




29/11/2008 12:57PM (Laptops time) and 14:59 (cell’s time) – it seems the cells are the rest of time ahead, or is the rest of time behind?


Dear John


My hair is falling out.  Or since I have been here on top of the Mountain, on the Cedar Peak, the other side of the gatkant of the Planet,  I have been in the sun horribly.  And the message I got on the night of 19/12/2007 was that the Su(o)n is made of Helium, but must be called: Elohim.  And after that night I looked up about the Sun and about Helium and it seems it gives us radiation.  Helium provides according to science, us with radiation.  And I remembered now how some lady I know, how she is suffering because she received chemo therapy for cancer, which also contains radiation.  And that makes you loose your hair too.  But I guess that is besides the point now, what is important now, is the link between the Sun and our interpretation that it consist out of only helium.  As that all come down to Quantum Physics again.  And look at the following:


I have been having trouble with the pharmacy in town to give me my medication tremendously.  And I went to all sides with it as to explain to myself that maybe it is because they think I am an addict that they are trying to keep my normal tablets, which grounds me, away from me.


So when I went to the pharmacy yesterday, I was at first so upset as the pharmacist tried to explain to me that the tablets I am taking have a certain colour and apparently, according to him, some people get used to the packaging of the pills or of the colour of the pills.  So what that boils down to, is that many may believe eventually that if they take that colour pill, it is still their pill they are taking for their body – some kind of conditioning.  But what does that mean?  If you then give someone a placebo and the colour and same look than the original tablet this person has been taken, then this person will keep on believing but I am still taking my same tablet, it is still working for my body.  That person does not have knowledge that the pill is actually a placebo!  To take this to the extreme, first an idiot story about this:  idiot takes his tablet, but the idiot in the pharmacy who gave idiot a placebo that looks alike the tablet idiot think is curing him, and still have the same results from the placebo.  What is going to happen?  Idiot will get addicted to placebo.  So the world will have to open pharmaceutical companies all over the world to produce placebo pills as someone was the first to get an addict on placebo.  What do the idiotic world do then, they realize, Oh, we have another addictive medicine, the placebo, so we must make the placebo a scheduled medicine so the idiots cannot get hold of placebos in order to become addicted to it!  This is how ridiculous it can get in this idiotic world it seems?  As it seems then idiots body needs something – the placebo.  But according to the law of some sort, it is called that idiot is an addict to the placebo now.  But the idiot’s body needs other things as well?  As the idiots body needs food for instance.  So then idiot will probably realize, but everything my body needs, I am addicted to.  So if I do not want to be an addict of any sorts, I must now stop eating as well!  My body needs breath to live, but then I am in need of breath, so then I must be addicted to breathing, so I must probably stop breathing as well – as maybe that is a schedule 5 medicine or even a schedule higher medicine to cure my body to live?  What an idiotic world with idiotic standards!


But that is not what I want to say, this was just to give me a bit of fun!  The idiots.  But what the principle behind all this is – another plain and simple Quantum Physics phenomena.  Like all the rest I have written about, this one is another classic example of why it was written about how we can actually manifest!  Remember that book “The Secret”?  Well, it is the same principle.  And behind all of our manifestations and the so called power of the mind, lie Quantum physics.  I have already written about this.  In all my Lores there is reference to this principle and how it makes idiots of the people of this planet.  Everybody want to know but why is it chaos?  Well, according to how our science developed, we have a world of opposites we believe in.   And we have developed our science on that too.  And the ultimate of a science that started with Confuscious and the “single particle” theory, is that it ends up, in combination with our mathematics, in a world of opposites and the world of Quantum, where we can actually create.  We can manifest.  But I do not think we have a clue as to the far reaching effects and consequences this have on human kind. 


But, what if someone is confusing our minds with this?  Have any of us considered that?  But also, what if we actually start getting into that believe that there is no world of opposites?  Will there then be any existence of any kind left at all – except maybe that state I reached after the shooting incident when I was according to Master Kuthumi, in the so called NOTHINGNESS?


But if we did not believe we are in a world of opposites, I doubt if we would have had the science we have now to give us that so called power to manifest?


But it seems to me, what man has created now (but I see it as Devine Order as both Newton and Einstein had partners who was just not recognised that came to the same conclusions they came to at the same time both of them got to their conclusions), is something that can be potentially dangerous to man.  Like that the Sun is made of helium which our science and therefore global consciousness, has decided gives us radiation.  And then they went and defined radiation as something so poisonous to humans that it can influence our whole bodies.  Look what is happening to me because of the Su(o)n’s rays.  And my mother had the same kind of problem when we got to Pretoria.  But again, the principle behind Quantum is, if you go to your doctor and you do not feel well, the doctor can give you medicine.  But the fact of the matter is, the doctor make a diagnoses.  What if the doctor tells you it is your appendix, meantime you may be healthy with just eating too much the previous night.  If the doctor then treat you for that illness he decide you have, will you get better?  Well, if we take that we can manifest with our minds, and if the pharmacist is correct that some people only have to take the same colour tablet, but it may only be a placebo and will still work, then the doctors can give us anything to drink and with the help of the global consciousness, who believes then that placebos became a scheduled medicine as someone got addicted to it, suddenly it become a powerful way to heal people, just because of the Quantum principle behind it.  But I guess that will then be what the Behaviourism also boil down to in a sense?  As by conditioning, you can change patterns.  In essence it is then again, Quantum physics – or all in the mind, but because we live in a world of opposites.  (See how I brought Quantum Physics and manifestation in relation with each other to produce/or are producing, the world of opposites we live in).


But, maybe if we start renaming things, maybe if people can get to understand the principle I have been trying to explain in so many Lores that the point we must strive for is the Point of Balance, the one where we actually get out of the state of mind of the World of Opposites, maybe if we can also start renaming things, then it can change as well.  If people are going to get effected by the Sun – as we believe in Global Warming and therefore we believe that the sun has got more direct contact with us – and this is getting a global consciousness thought, the more we will start getting illnesses in the human bodies that is related to the side effects of helium or then, radiation.  Remember, global consciousness is powerful in Quantum world. 


So maybe even Global Warming can be beaten by way of defining things differently and making it another name or something.  Maybe that is why in First Time there was no side effects of the sun?  As the Sun was only seen as some kind of god in myth and Lore.  So it was not defined that it consisted out of a specific “chemical” – all man invented concepts – where this chemical can actual be harmful for mankind.  But if we change our perspectives, our global consciousness to something else, to something where we create that we cannot create anymore (and that place can only be in the Point of Balance, the point [0;0]), then we cannot give names to things that can have that kind of effect on us without us noticing it.  Or having realization about it.  But this mean change.  Big change!   As everything is based on those principles as we have even brought theories into being called science to enhance the global consciousness in those definitions we have.  It is all about words.  But words can be deceitful.  It can be the truth, but it can also be a different version of the truth, as that is what Quantum is all about.  And in all my Lores, that was the one thing I came to realize.  As look at this principle, whether truth or not truth (and our judicial systems work with true or not true and not with true or false), we are working with truth!  Literally!

Anyway, I do not know what I am going to do about my hair.  Maybe that is why i want to get back to the NOTHINGNESS.  There I can be totally out of sight of mind – by being myself in the point of Balance, the Point [0;0].  And not subject to the theories of this world’s global consciousness.


It is only here on Cedar Peak, that I realized now how powerful the global consciousness can be.  And people are going to develop more and more illnesses that are actually related to the side effects of exposure to radiation, as we believe we can manifest and because we have named and defined and made it global consciousnesss that we have Global Warming and therefore we are “more” exposed to the Sun.  But I have shown how it seems that we actually have global dimming.  So both are an essence (as we are not really in a world of opposites – it is merely a state of mind) which give that if we finally get to the point of Balance, the Point [0;0] that is explained so far in the Lores, we might actually be able to buy ourselves time to stay on with this planet and to move on and not get effected by the Sun or by the definitions we have attached to our reality.  We might just survive as mankind in some or other way.  Don’t know if we are suppose to?  But there is a way, the Golden Midway which is also already described.

But I think to proof in another way my point (so many times made now), that we are only in “the state of mind of this world of opposites”, which brought about the Quantum principle, is to ask:  But how does the principle of evolution have any existence then at all?  Something out of the global consciousness, happen from time to time on this Planet to bring about someting different.  If Quantum and what I call “the state of mind of the world of opposites” were only my imagination (and why don’t I dare have an imagination, as the world seems to be happy to live in an imagination that they live in a world of opposites), evolution principle would not have been possible.  As that is something that is totally outside the most powerful global consciousness – who’s effects we are only starting to realize now – that happens!

29/11/2008 13:51 (Laptops time) 15:54 (cell’s time) and how is our cells influencing us because the way it gets defined by our words and our therefore global consciousness of them?




28/11/2008 12:13PM


I am wondering where John got his “big” thoughts from?  They are amazing.  To think, if I get into the situation where I “flung” myself like a hurricane into the outer edges of chaos, and I am only then dependent on myself most of the times to get back to some state of peace again, but what will happen if God gets into that situation?  How will God handle it?  Will it be something like that we have Creation and we reach an outer edge situation – in Creation and Devine Order – of chaos, then the so called matrix must be used to recreate, in order to bring the outer edges in again, like breathing in and out?  Is that life?  Chaos on the outer edges that needs to be put back in place?  Take a deep breath therefore.  John, you are truly a wise man.  Having these deep thoughts.  As is that what is God’s Breath?  But for me it takes a lot of “courage” is all I can call it, to get from my outer edges to my state of peace and calm again.  And most of the time I feel terribly alone in those stages of getting back to my peace and calm again, my centre as John call it.


I wonder how God experience it?  As that feeling of loneliness is terrible.

28/11/2008 12:21PM


28/11/2008 14:48 or 14:12, the year that Joan of Arc was born in.

The eye of The Tornado – the centre of Peace!

28/11/2008 14:49 or 14:13, the number combination in some form of Zep Tepi

But this is also my inspiration in life.  My tornado impulsiveness.  Going to the outer edges – landing there on impulsiveness and then coming back eventually to a state of calm and peace – like John said.  Breathing in and out – the life forces, the creative forces (breathing), as creat(ion) is life.  Or then – my inspirtation in my writings most of the time.  But for The Creator, it must be us.

28/11/2008 14:55 or 555, Marion’s number combination for brilliance.


6 Responses to “Placebo SCHEDULED 2B[2]?”

  1. November 30, 2008 at 4:14 pm

    This is my info..

    Half the Amazon Rainforest to be Lost by 2030
    (NaturalNews) Due to the effects of global warming and deforestation, more than half of the Amazon rainforest may be destroyed or severely damaged by the year 2030, according to a report released by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

    The report, “Amazon’s Vicious Cycles: Drought and Fire,” concludes that 55 percent of the world’s largest rainforest stands to be severely damaged from agriculture, drought, fire, logging and livestock ranching in the next 22 years. Another 4 percent may be damaged by reduced rainfall caused by global warming. This is anticipated to destroy up to 80 percent of wildlife habitat in the region.

    read more..


  2. 2 Renee
    November 30, 2008 at 6:49 pm

    30/11/2008 20:38 or 8:38PM and the time your reply came in, 4:14PM

    Anyway, it seems people tend to think I am an idiot anyway – go and read my letter to JOHN called JOHN8 that is called: Our [OWN] Sillyness at ava414.wordpress.com or ava414.blogspot.com

    Either way, they will tell you exactly how ridiculous things are. But getting what I am writing is not easy. All I can say, if you want to take me seriously or shall I rather say, if you want to take seriously what I said and really want to see what I have written as a way for this Planet to survive then look for instance at the Hadron Collider! What happened there? It broke down to such extend that the scientists had to: GO AND SEARCH FROM THE SCRATCH OF THE CREATED COLLIDER, to find the problem! And that is what I suggest as well. I have given a mathematical equation for scientists to start with – but of course, it will probably be unacceptable to them. But if you apply it to the rest of some of the insets on the blogs, you will find that it does make sense. And outside people are also talking about the phenomena that we can actually “create”. I mean, the book “The Secret” sold millions. But the mathematical part I am referring to is called in the pages: “The Balance”. It should be in the pages of Horus414 as well.

    And that is all I can answer you now. Yes, I am also concerned about the welfare of the Planet. But getting to the things I write I sometimes go through a lot of stuff – like having to roll my vehicle and get out of it afterwards without a scratch. But still it has an impact on my system of some sort. As then all my unconscious stuff first comes out and i have to deal with it and only after that do I get to the parts where I can actually get to the things like they are written in the ava414.wordpress.com and ava414.blogspot.com

    So I do not have a clue if anybody will take it seriously. For myself, I don’t even want to think if I take it seriously or not – I just write it.

    So there you have a reply on your “comment”! Do we care enough to even try out some “idiotic” reference or which will most probably be taken up as idiocy by scientists? Or do we rather carry on and hope some alien ship will arive to save the world in some way? Like sitting in the middle of the ocean and a big ship come along and they ask if they can rescue you but you say no, I have said a prayer to God to come and save me! Maybe sometimes the answer is something totally different than what we think it would be? I am only speculating! But maybe there is something to the things I have written!


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