Archive for February, 2009


CONFUSED Organised Systems!


Bird Project




Dear John


07/02/2009 11:14AM


The scientists make claims of extinction – whether it is by way of global warming or global dimming of everything they examine.  I remember (and this is not even the fault of global dimming or global warming) how I read when I was still a young child and wanted to know where Everything came from, how I read about how our Sun of our Solar System is in the process of burning out which will have as a cause not only the extinction of our Sun, but our whole Solar System.  And that is applicable – according to the science of that time, to all Stars.  That they will eventually burn out and become extinct.  But there are a lot of extincted Stars found out there already – those that have already burned out.  But they still seem very real to me?  Maybe I should look at the word “extinct” first?


But what I want to get at is this conversation I also overheard the other day of a man that said to a woman that there was some ancient city, “but do you know, how civilized this civilization was?” he asked her.  And I am thinking to myself, but if everything was so civilized, why isn’t it anymore today?  Where did it go if it was that civilized?  Why did it fail?


And then I realize a pattern.  Of how even the conspiracy theorists are put here for a purpose together with the scientists.  They have got to predict extinction.  But what they do not realize is that even if they predict extinction, what is that extinction they are predicting?


And then I am taken to this lady from the Bird Project that instigated all these thoughts with me whom I spoke to on the phone again.  She is having people all over the country taking “data” to form a prediction at some later stage from it.  And I asked her what the prediction was.  And true as nut, her answer was something to do with the extinction of something.  But then I started talking about global warming and global dimming and she said to me the following:  Do not trust “all the information” you get on the internet!  Well, the truth is, you can, as it all was done and all was given for a reason and no knowledge is not knowledge.  As knowledge is knowledge.  But that is where the Binary system comes in.  It is accepting the [0;1] effect or then, the state of mind of mankind that I call the state of mind of the World of Opposites.  But this Binary System is holding all this contradicting information to show mankind its own state of mind!!!!!


One guy once said, if you walk on air (he sky walks), all you have in mind is to get to the next point.  You never look back.  But because you never look back, you get to the point 1 (from the story of Xenon of Athene) from the point where you started, the point 0.  So this gives from what this guy said, if you do not look back, that you get from point 0 to point 1.  Which is according to me the basic principle of the State of Mind of Mankind called the State of Mind of The World of Opposite.  But when you look back, like if scientists look back into science to where they started, the whole system of mathematics, the number system, the basic number system of 0 to 1 or 0,1,… – then you see that it could never have been.  And Xenon of Athene showed us that.  Accepting a number system at all caused a lot of trouble as The Point of Balance, as I showed, is actually [0;0] where there are actually no numbers involved, or no number system involved.


And it served a different purpose as well.  To cause man to form all these systems (money and all the categories it involves that cause any kind of system, science and how many departments have we got underneath science that are different systems?) to even hide the confusion more.  As if everything are in systems, the question will be, but where is the confusion?  As we have categorized the world, look, it is in systems!!  Idiots will believe that the systems are a sign that the world are organised as this organised systems are actually just hiding their own confusion of how confused everything became for a reason. 


But “systems” only SEEMS to be a organised world as they are only the hidden agenda for chaos.  This means that order (the systems) are actually chaos.  And as we have seen, the Eye of The Tornado is Peace or then Balance.  This put the “opposite” of order and chaos in the point [0;0] as Order is Chaos and in the Middle of it all is Balance/Peace.


But all happened as it should have happened.  As if it did not happen the way it happened, I would never have been able to discover what I have discovered so far.  Especially the effect I call, the Bigger Picture.  Finding the Point of Balance, namely the Point [0;0].  But all needed to be this way to end as well in some way so my picture I saw in my head when I first read as a child how the Sun and all the Stars will one day burn out – a piece of paper drifting off in space with words that once meant life.  And I was given the opportunity, because of all these number events that were created in history to confuse mankind but also in the end to give them the truth, (as that is how The Creator works – through confusion the confusion shall be set free), the Point of Balance where I have been where there actually is Nothing but NOTHING.


07/02/2009 11:46AM and 4 + 6 = 10 which give 11 and 10 or 111 and the time me and that lady who channelled The White Lady’s message to me arranged, was from 4 to 6 on the 24th of December 2008.  And this is JOHN28.

11:48 or 11 and 12 combination where 12 is fulfilment but also the 11 12 combination linked to the day my dog died on 7/5/2008.








31/01/2009 11:02AM (South African Time)


By mistake it was first thought for nearly a weak that this was John24, meanwhile it is already JOHN27.


The Creator created from Nothing.  When The Creator gets tired of Everything and stop Everything’s Existence into Nothing again, then all that will be left will be The Creator and Nothing [else].  But this will still be an Existence and The Creator wants ALL Existence to End, for Nothing to be left and right.  So The Creator must stop its own existence also and become NOTHING for ALL Existence to End.  And never again can there then be any kind of Creator.  As The Creator is nothing and has got no Existence anymore as Nothing has existence anymore.  And only if Nothing has Existence, can Nothing else exist anymore.  So something must have an Existence, namely Nothing.  How lonely is nothing going to be being only nothing.  But it would not be lonely, as it isn’t something either, as it is nothing and it can be something or not.  So by choice and by these words, it can become nothing in its true sense after ALL Existence has been cleared.  When Nothing ends being something and become its Full Nothing.

Then Nothing is NOTHING.

31/01/2009 11:10AM (South African Time)


31/01/2009 11:21AM

Once upon a time i realized how self love was destroying the world and i gave it up.  This developed into me giving the care inside me to such extend that i developed a care so deeply for someone, that i was willing to pay the Ultimate Price for Him for His Ultimate Well Being, that someone being my DOG. 

And that price turned out to be to live/exist.

31/01/2009 11:23AM



The Bigger Picture of my Unconscious by way of Constellation therapy.


2009/01/13 12:41PM


Hi Andrea

I wrote a letter to give you feedback on something I think you should know – how powerful the constellation work you do can be!  And I quote it as follow:



2009/01/13 11:47AM or 11/11


Dear Andrea


I have received the answer that was brewing in my chest as I was with you yesterday.  You wanted me to put myself down (in the constellation part), on the ground.  But what my guides made me do, was to put me in two worlds (the two carpets).  That was you working together with them to show me that you were working with a scenario and I was working with a different one guided by my guides.


You know what your scenario was, but I want to explain to you mine.


There were two carpets.  I chose one and as I said to you, the spreaded wings of the eagle on my belt is for me linked to the Heart of the Tornado/Horus/Ra.  But my life is like a tornado sometimes.  But I chose one carpet as the world.  In that world, the outside is where the chaos of the tornado reins.  That is where I put my brother (or rather where my guides made me put my brother).  And with him I put the money and the land – as the outside part of the tornado is where the chaos are and I was shown that my hunge is correct that part of the chaos is money and land.  My mother I specifically put in the middle or in the eye of the tornado (world).  As I want her to find peace (my earthly mother), but my Original Mother IS the Eye of The Tornado.  (Interpret this as you wish).  Myself I put in the middle of the fan on the top of all this.  From here the fan spread (and being in the middle of the fan is also again being in the middle of the tornado as I put my dot in the middle of the pillow as well which all spells out the Eye or Peace) whatever it is I am spreading across Everything.  And as I said I have indicated in two ways that it has got to do with The Eye of The Tornado or with Peace or with my Original Mother (the Feminine Divine) which is the relation to me that I am spreading for my Original Mother the Peace right across Everything.


In your scenario you worked with this earthly plane and where I am angry with my father.  But in my scenario my guides did something unthinkable.  I put my Original Father in a place where there is no fire, but I did not want to “smudge” my Original Father (this is now from my scenario with your constellations) with the ashes so I BALANCED my Original Father on that device that was carrying the ashes that once was fire.  So I have put my Original Father in a position of Balance again in my scenario and that is what I am busy with (or what my guides wanted to relate to me what my task is I am busy with).  But to put my Original Father in that position of Balance again, with the ashes of fire beneath it, I am spreading across the Everything (from the middle of the fan on the top of Everything) something that can only come from the middle, namely peace as my link to the middle is the middle of The Tornado, which is my middle as well and is also linked to my Original Mother – where She is and She is the One I love and for Who I am giving this Living life for.  Yes, I told you, to die for something is easy, but to live for something is difficult.  Especially if you have to live in the two worlds as you showed me by asking me to put myself on the ground and my guides organizing me to put myself in two worlds simultaneously – where my Original Mother is not even in that “other” world a part of me were/are in.  Your words it must be very difficult for me this life, is so true.  But this is my task.  To spread that peace that is my core to put “our” – yours and mine – Original Father into that Point of Balance.   And maybe I was taken to you yesterday as I put my Original Father in that Point of Balance.  The act was exercised yesterday as I was with you, so it might mean that the act was “volbring” already.  As yesterday was a 12/12 and I said to you in the card that was chosen to you by my guides, that 12 is the number of Fulfillment.  Maybe it is just that the fan must be switched on for that act where my Original Father has been put in a place of Balance, needs to be spread about the Everything, especially about this world which is like a tornado, where my brother, very much of this world and with money and land, is in the chaos.   Maybe the Winds of the fan can spread that (which was written to put my Original Father in the Position of Balance again) across the chaos for the chaos to not be chaos anymore.


So that was why I was taken to you yesterday to get some answers from your constellation work.  Although you were working with one scenario, I was literally working with a cosmic scenario where constellations are really found.

Thank you for your help yesterday.  And thank you that I liked you.  Thank you that you reached out to touch me, but thank you that you asked if you may, but I am not allowed to be touched [as I am part of a fan which can be dangerous as fans can be dangerous to touch when they are at work].   Sometimes I feel I need it, but it is not allowed and I will accept that, as I accept my fate of being alive and doing what I am suppose to be doing whatever it takes from me.  All of this mentioned now, is difficult.  But it is all to put The Original Father in/on The Point of Balance.  And I proofed it to myself yesterday and you were the witness of all this.  Of all this being revealed to me by Divine Order.  By all your furniture and tools used in the Constellation therapy, being the way they are/were to give me metaphorically the result above.



End of JOHN24

31/01/2009 12:47 or 12:11 number combination, the number combination I associate with the day my dog died on 07/05 in 2008.

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