By ava414

charlie41.jpgsouthern-cross.jpg This picture is filed under “Southern CROSS” and make me view from the watchtower at Cape Agulhas, the most southern point of Africa, and the ocean (symbolism of sumtotal of ALL knowledge) and then upwards to the rest of the world – and what do I see?

It seems that the writings I write have two things in common, my DOG and Joan of Arc. Therefore this PAGE, as this is a discovery. I feel intuitively that something will still realize in realization about the connection between these two, for me. But the best knowledge captured about Joan of Arc is the Third (3rd) Letter of Lore177. And 3 the number of confirmation.

This is the Third Letter of Lore177.

16/05/2008 12:34PM (cell’s time) 12:32PM (computer’s time) 12:32PM (PUMA’s time) where we have from the minutes of the 2nd and 3rd times (or a 23 – the day of birth of my dog) a 32 + 32 = 64. But from the hours of the 2nd and 3rd times, if we times it, it gives 144. But then we are left with the 34 and 12 of the First Time which if we add it to the minutes of the 2nd and 3rd times, we get 110 or an 11. And 11 the Gateway to The New Jerusalem via the level 47 (also 11) and for ALL – see the 144.

We find that the Jewish year we find ourselves in at the moment is a 14 and a 12. This is the year combination of 14/12 that Joan of Arc was born. About her is said that she is a messianic figure (see the attached documents from Wikipedia). But it seems she just installed the king, Charles VII back to his throne. But my dog Charlie was also always called the King Charles many times in this house. But from the VII we have a V or 5 and a II or 2 added to the 5 making it 7, which makes it a 7 and 5 or 7/5 combination – the day my dog died.

But it seems Joan of Arc was 19 years of age when she was burned at the stake and 24 (or 2 + 4 = 6) years later it was found that she was not guilty. But this give the number combination of 19/6, the day I got shot on.

But Joan of Arc was burnt on May 30th , which gives a 5 and 3(0) or 53. My domino I picked up in the street in front of our house in Cape Town on the day we were moving there to Pretoria (the place where I had to loose my precious DOG). And of 53 is also said: The boss gets 53 times more than those beneath him.

Then I went and look up “Lorraine” or “Lore” as the one who my letters go to. And Lorraine is a French country that was under the Roman Empire sort of still in the 1500’s. But the French country Lorraine in the Second World War, adopted the sign of Joan of Arc as symbol against the German Swastika. But it is said that the animal of Lorraine is the Lynx. And on the day of the funeral of my grandmother, who died 12 hours after my dog, was that I saw a lynx close by a goldmine which has accepted the sign of a lion as totem. And my dog is linked to a mountain lion, but as the lynx and the mountain lion share the little hairs at the points of the ears, I realized my dog made himself visible to me to show me he is with me by way of that lynx I saw and my friend telling me that he rather see my dog in the form of light – but that of a mountain lion or PUMA.

This is the enclosure of the White Lions in Jhb Zoo which is saved in my documents as: Great Reception – see background of the Hillbrow Tower and all the tall buildings.

That is what all the quoted stuff beneath is all about. It is just to proof what I have been telling you here above about the number combinations etc.

The quoted parts from the internet (Wikipedea).

Jewish Year Now

Iyar 5768 (May / June 2008) where 5 + 7 = 12 and 6 + 8 = 14.
Sivan 5768 (June / July 2008)

Examples of messianic figures

Examples of messianic figures include St. Joan of Arc, said to have visions to deliver France from English domination near the end of the Hundred Years’ War,
Joan of Arc, or Jeanne d’Arc in French, (c. 1412 – May 30, 1431) also known as “the Maid of Orleans”, was a 15th century virgin saint and national heroine of France. She led the French army to several important victories and led king Charles VII to his coronation. She was captured by the English and tried by an ecclesiastical court led by Bishop Pierre Cauchon, an English partisan; the court convicted her of heresy and she was burned at the stake by the English when she was nineteen years old. Twenty-four years later, the Vatican reviewed the decision of the ecclesiastical court, found her innocent, and declared her a martyr. She was beatified in 1909 and canonized as a saint in 1920
Cross of Lorraine

Cross of Lorraine
During World War II, the cross was adopted as the official symbol of the Free French Forces (French: Forces Françaises Libres, or FFL) under Charles de Gaulle.
The capitaine de corvette Thierry d’Argenlieu suggested the adoption of the Cross of Lorraine as the symbol of the Free French, both to recall the perseverance of Joan of Arc (whose symbol it had been), and as an answer to the Swastika.
One of the animals linked to Lorraine, France, is the lynx. Which is said of…
The lynx is not a guardian of secrets so much as the one who knows them, especially when it comes to those secrets that are either obscured by time and space or are completely lost to the world. The lynx is therefore associated with divination and clairvoyance. Those who seek the lynx may find difficulty in getting it to cooperate. Just because the lynx knows secrets does not mean it wishes to share them. Only by respecting the lynx’s behavior and listening carefully may one begin to receive an answer.
This power and ability to remain unseen attracted ancient warriors to adopt the lynx and, thus, they believed, its nature. Cunning, solitary hunters, lynx have large eyes and a keen sense of hearing which enables them to hunt at night.
Those who have been touched by the lynx’s presence may be given a boon and bane. A lynx may guide the listener to a secret, whether it be a lost object or a hidden truth that is somehow relevant at the present time. On the other hand, the lynx may be an omen to warn those who have somehow betrayed the confidentiality of oneself or others.
The lynx was chosen as the emblem of the Accademia dei Lincei (”Academy of the Lynxes”), one of the world’s oldest scientific societies. Its piercing vision was invoked symbolically as characteristic of those dedicated to science.
And this was Entry114 that was written yesterday on the laptop:

This is Entry114 of my Journal.

Part1 of Entry114 of my Journal.

15/05/2008 11:26AM where 26 the inverse of 62 that is related to Einstein and Global Warming.

I tried to go and check out what is happening in “CHI”na with that earthquake that left some scars in an apparently huge dam wall. But there were at that stage “sport” on CNN so I went to the horoscopes. And I do not understand, but yesterday, a previous time and most of the times, doesn’t matter what I do, the cursur of the horoscopes goes straight to Aquarius, although I am actually Sagittarius, but on DSTV I am Capricorn – which seems has now become Aquarius. But today’s message says the following:

15/05/2008 11:04AM (PUMA time)

Just checked my horoscope now – actually wanted to check on the dam in “CHI”na but saw there is “sport” on CNN now. Then went to “horoscope” and I don’t understand, but every time now the cursur of DSTV of the “Horoscopes” goes and land on Aquarius and today’s message is as follow:

Society as a whole is in a crisis which needs to be reversed. Perhaps you can set a positive example within your own group by assisting a worthy charity or two. Personal sacrifice is an excellent way of giving extra heavenly favour.”
15/05/2008 11:08:39AM
Ns. I don’t understand why I must suddenly look at Aquarius as my horoscope sign on the DSTV channel?
15/05/2008 11:40AM and it seems the 11 and 4 comes up a lot of time, and the 11/4 is Lore’s birthday.

It seems there seems to be a pattern in all of this which I still do not totally understand. I think it has something to do with the 26 of Entry114, where the inverse is 62, as the last word that was quoted from the internet as well, was “science”. And the global warming, the earthquake, which I will write about later as I made quotes from an internet news agency. But that is a story on its own – although I think linked to this one.
16/05/2008 12:51PM (cell’s time) 12:49PM (computer’s time) 12:49PM (PUMA’s time) where the minutes of the 2nd and 3rd times are both 49 or 4 + 9 = 13 and 13 + 13 = 26. So maybe my feeling that everything has got to do with Einstein and Global Warming, is not such a bad idea.

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