
R the Picture of Accuracy Distorted?




Dear John


19/12/2008 13:43 turning 44.

I was just wondering about the discovery in a Northern Cape Cave of things that they estimate to be of age 2 million years.


If I look at the pieces I wrote called:

“White Light”

“Transformed PRISM – an ILLUSION”

“The Balance”

So far, if you put that all together, together with the Quantum Principle disasters, and you look at the book that just came out now called:  “The Final Theory”, where everyone since Newton and Einstein are proven wrong by this Physicist, then I wonder how accurate the Scientists calculations on age can be?


As it seems everything in this Universe’s age are determined in some way or another by light?  In the case of the Northern Cape Cave – they use special techniques, but infrared light is one of the techniques that can be used to calculate the age of things on this Planet.


Then we go to the outside of this Planet and everything is determined in age by so called “Light Years”.  So when it comes to age, then again, light is in the picture – and how accurate is that picture?  But that brings not accurate and accurate into the point of Balance, namely the Point [0;0] as accurate can be distorted.  So the point of Balance lies in the distortion.  Or then, “miss”(mess)understanding.

19/12/2008 13:48

Ns.  Even Human’s age are determined by light in some way – by way of day (light) and night…..

19/12/2008 13:52

And my letter to you regarding the light thing in Quantum perspective just before the letter about “The Final Theory” as follow:


11 December 2008 09:30:02 AM


2008/12/11 9:19AM
I am getting tremendously upset again and that is a sign that I need to act.  Most of the time or that something really important is coming up.
If I am correct (and that will be the chance I have got to take), then the Planet can be saved.  We can survive a Ice Age.  If I am not correct, all that will loose is me.  But dare I take the chance to think for me to sit in my comfort zone of just writing the blogs and hoping someone else will take it on them to try and tell the world what I know or understand, no, as so many times I have been taken out of it – and for many reasons, but I believe one to be to get this message out.  But if our friends up There want me to get the message out, then they will have to do something as well.  As I do not know where to turn to anymore?  And it feels to me as if the hour clock is running out.  Not the watches, as they cannot tell time accurately anyway, but the hourglass.  That is why things are speeding up, as the closer the sand or whatever is inside the hourglass gets to the bottom, the quicker it goes.  Our watches are useless, like our science they are based on the Cartesian Plane in a way – where they made something static of something and lost a lot of information that way.  That is what my light theories are all trying to show.  And that is why I tried to show that the Cartesian Plane has got a flaw!  So what will I choose, letting people think I am insane and the Planet goes on the way it does, or giving the planet a chance to move on to the next level by way of skipping another Ice Age and starting from scratch again.  At this stage our whole Universe is based on the Quantum principle as even Confucious came up with it.  But if we can change that, and we have the means NOW, then we can skip that Ice Age and the planet can go further in evolution.  But the Global Consciousness need to change first.   As that play a huge part.  And this belief that we have Global Warming, is part of the process.  But it can be reversed.
I do not even want to dare to think what is lying ahead if I am right?


And about “The Final Theory”:



13 December 2008 10:12:14 AM


2008/12/13 10:08AM
My worry is just, this guy is slowly onto the truth.  With his “The Final Theory”.  But does anybody have got any clue as to the implications of it?  I am worried sick – litterally!
Not even I can foresee the total disastrous impact this can have on the planet.  But I guess I better look at the bright side.  If we understand how things work and not just throw away what was given to us, how misjudged we may find it or how senseless we may find it, it was given for a reason.  And that reason being to buy us and the planet some time!
Anyway, I guess Divine Order knows what it is doing?  I hope?


And then just to end JOHN17:



14 December 2008 09:06:41 PM


2008/12/14 20:47 turning 20:48 or 2012 and 1412 is the year in which Joan of Arc was born in, and today is 14/12
Hi John
I dreamt last night I was walking along a road.  It must have been where I am now.  And passing me from the front came a being.  At first I did not recognize it but then as I came next to me the scenery changed and the picture became all snowy and I saw this being was a leopard.  But with the emphasis it seems on snow.  And I went to read up on “Snowleopards” and of them are said by Ted Andrews in “Animal Speak”:  About the “lore” about them there is one story from Central Asia.  They believed that the snowleopard only sucked out the blood of their victims and did not eat the flesh (a lore), but the story behind this is:  what one ate, one became.  “An animal that only took the blood and not the flesh may indicate great discrimination so that only the powers and life force of the prey is assumed and not its weaknesses (symbolized by the flesh)…The snow leopard lives in the high mountains.  Mountains hae always been places separate from humans.  They were the abodes of gods.  They are places of good vista.  The animals of mountain gods and goddesses were often sacred to the divine in some way.  When a snow leopard reveals itself, it hints of divine protection and a reawakening of one’s own spark of divinity.”
This is what I could find out from “The Snowleopard”.  But I also got the goddess card Dana the other night which says the following:  “Your wisdom extends back into the far reaches of ancient times.  You’ve brought this knowledge forward into your present incarnation…”.  This was the Second Time Officially doing a reading with the goddess cards I got her.  The first time I got her was when I opened the pack and the first card I drew was Dana.  That was 02/03/2005 at 13:22.  And some other readings I did I got her once as well, which makes it a 2 officially and 1 not officially, but as everything has got something to do with officially, it gives 3 to do with officially or the number of confirmation.
Anyway, just wanted to share this information.
14/12/2008 9:05PM or 21:05 where 5 consist of 14 or 41 and 21 the inverse of 12.  And the date is 14/12, the year in which Joan of Arc was born in.


End of JOHN17.

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