
Quantum Principles – The EXTREME.





22/10/2008 16:53


Let me tell you a little idiot story.  One day there was a world, and this world had living being calling themselves Humanity, but actually they were a bunch of idiots.  But as humanity was idiotic, they did not realize what two idiots of these idiots were doing.  These two idiots started to belong to a medical aid.  And true as nuts, they paid the medical aid each month a lot of money, but when they went to visit a doctor (also an idiot anyway), they will still pay the idiot.  But what these two idiots did not know – as they believed their lives was so boring, all they needed to do was visit doctor idiots to not tell them they are idiots.  So they crippled the medical aids with all the money the idiotic doctors claimed from these medical aids, not telling the medical aid that they were a bunch of idiots.  As doctors gets paid to not tell everybody they are idiots.  As the doctors don’t want to tell the idiots they are idiots because then the idiots might be idiotic enough to think that doctors are idiots too?


And so it went on, from one idiotic doctor to another.  And eventually this first medical turned bankrupt, as the two idiots who thought their lives were boring, never really understood what chaos they were creating – as they were not told by the doctors that they were idiots.  So the one after the other the medical aids took over the first medical aid – only to get bankrupted again by idiots.


But then one medical aid, who really was the cherry on the cake, the main peanut in the packet, decided but they were not going to be idiots anymore, they were going to call themselves, humanity!


So here the two idiots started with Humanity and eventually bankrupted Humanity as well.  And no one in that idiotic world could understand where this chaos came from, as humanity was suffering – the one day the stock markets went up, then every idiot had money, the next day the stock markets went down again (meanwhile the two idiots that bankrupted Humanity is still sitting very feverishly in their little house how boring their little lives are not having a clue about the chaos in the world of idiots).

And this may be some idiotic story, but until Humanity is taken over by a place that is not idiotic, and not allow the two idiots to bankrupt it, the world would not get stable again.  It would stay in chaos run by idiots not realizing what in the world are they doing?


But the worst of the ending of this story is:  (And you haven’t heard this one before) – the medical company that took over from a bankrupt Humanity, calls themselves now:   Comet.

Now the idioticy is out in space too – and chaos has now have far reaching effects from the world of idiots.  When will the world realize this idioticity and stop being idiots?

But the two idiots who idiotically caused the chaos by bankrupting Humanity, knew they were not idiots.  But they wanted o hear it over and over from the doctors:  you are not idiots!

So the chaos can end if the two idiots just accept that they are not idiots and allow the doctors and the rest of Humanity to still keep on being idiots and not realizing it.

But there is hope, as I spoke to someone today who actually made a lot of money.  So the lesson is, even in a world of idiots there is hope!  Humanity do not necessarily have to be in chaos financially.  Just sort out your idiots, Humanity!!!!

22/10/2008 17:10

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